IRAN: Ready to Explode? Part 1-Part 2 tomorrow-Armen Saginian,-Tamar and says that if given the chance Americans cause change!
Submitted by h.hoffman on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 14:18.
IRAN: Ready to Explode? Part 1-Part 2 tomorrow
According to some Persians (Iranians),
Iran is full of unhappy people.
They don't like their government
and they would be ready to overthrow their mullahs and Iranian leader,
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Should America bomb Iran, or will Iran explode by itself
if the Americans and others just helped them to light the match?
Full article and listen at
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
IRAN: Ready to Explode? Part 1-Part 2 tomorrow-Armen Saginian,-Tamar and says that if given the chance Americans cause change!
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Britannia Radio