Peter Hitchens
What are we doing to stop our beloved Britain being taken over?
This is too frightening and too important to ignore any longer.
If we don't want to become a neglected outstation of the European Superstate, stripped of our nationhood, powerless to decide who lives here, controlled by laws we don't make and can't change, ruled by a government we cannot throw out, we have rather a short time in which to do something about it.
You may think none of this matters to you, but the trouble is that it does, whether you think so or not.
The European Union is interested in you, your liberty and your money, even if you don't care about it.
Its decisions affect your life, even if you don't realise they do.
When I point out that local councils are changing rubbish collections because of EU laws, people don't believe me.
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Ex-Europhile: Margaret Thatcher wears jumper adorned with EU member states
They rightly think it ridiculous that such things should be affected by what is supposed to be a Free Trade partnership. But they are.
A huge number of our laws have been drawn up in Brussels and hurried through Parliament without anybody really understanding what they were doing.
A lot of us still don't even grasp why it is that we can no longer have nice blue British passports.
They also don't grasp why they have to queue for ages to get back into the country after a holiday.
They aren't paying attention. That passport you have isn't British. It's European. It gives you no more right to enter this country than if you were a Lithuanian.
Full Article britanniaradio
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
What are we doing to stop our beloved Britain being taken over?
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Britannia Radio