Wrong again, minister: the tally is 8 in 10 jobs go to migrants
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Submitted by h.hoffman on Sun, 11/04/2007 - 09:51.
From The Sunday TimesNovember 4, 2007
Wrong again, minister: the tally is 8 in 10 jobs go to migrants
MORE than 80% of the jobs created in the past 10 years have gone to foreigners - many more than the government admitted last week - according to statistics presented by the Treasury to parliament.
They also show that in the past five years the number of foreigners in work in Britain has risen by nearly 1m, while employment among the UK-born population has dropped by almost 500,000.
The figures are a further embarrassment for the government, which last week was forced to admit it had seriously underestimated the number of migrant workers in Britain.
“They are in a state of complete confusion over the figures for migrant workers,” said Chris Grayling, the Conservative shadow work and pensions secretary. “Another day brings another completely different set of statistics. They are floundering and nobody has any idea what is going on.”
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Sunday, 4 November 2007
Wrong again, minister: the tally is 8 in 10 jobs go to migrants
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Britannia Radio