Wednesday 27 August 2008

Affinity Churches - Evangelism or Escapism
It would appear that affinity churches have become the new chic in Sunday services. The two most recent examples I found in the news have Christian worshippers in cowboy hats on horses meeting in riding arenas or wearing tattoos and leather straddling motorcycles at Sturgis......
by Paul Proctor

Poster-child for the Cult of the State
Why speak of Madonna and her new world tour, “Sticky and Sweet” recently kicked off at Cardiff, Wales in Great Britain? Why speak of her at all or her “thirty-five hundred articles of clothing” and the fortunes invested in a spectacle of fetishistic chic? It’s not because the show’s visual backdrop associates Adolf Hitler, global warming and John McCain and, as an obverse, links Mahatma Gandhi, Al Gore and Barack Obama in a Rorschach blot rhapsody of the new-old left, stupidities familiar from our official ‘thought-leaders’ whose “mystic pacifism, like mystic militarism may entirely obliterate the sense of justice.”.......
by Dr. Eugene Narrett, Ph.D

Clueless in the Clergy?
I received some odd news from my elderly mother living in Dallas, Texas. At first I didn’t think she could possibly be right ­ until the same thing happened to me in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area. It seems my mother could not attend Lenten services ­ or Sunday services, for that matter ­ because taxis would neither cruise, nor respond to, pickup calls from a church. That this had been going on for four years was startling. Her former “ride” had moved, the steps on the bus were too high; thus the taxi option........
by Beverly Eakman

Skeletons in the Democratic Party Closet
History is not taught very well in today’s public schools, and that is why the history of the Democratic Party is totally unknown by the American voting public. Believe it or not, the Democratic Party was inspired by those Southern delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 who forced all of the other delegates to accept the institution of slavery as the price of their participation in the new government. That is why the Southern states were able to count each slave as three-fifths of a person in determining the number of Representatives the state could send to Congress........
by Samuel Blumenfeld