Labels: ecowackery Comments: 19 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # I read that three men have been arrested on suspicion of committing terror offences. Two of the men were held at Manchester Airport, while the third was detained in nearby Accrington. Do we know anything else at all about these men? Well, they are "Asian" apparently, living in an "Asian" area of Blackburn? Can you spot the missing word - the word the BBC does not want to use? That's right - these men are MUSLIM. There now, that's better, isn't it? I mean why does the BBC insist on using pointless euphemisms when the truth is plain to see? Could it be related to the ongoing denial that Britain, like so many other countries, has a major terrorist threat from a section of Muslims but that it is too dhimmified to say it? If these three men had have been fundamentalist Christians it would have been emblazoned across the BBC but because they actually are Muslims, it is hushed up and weasel words like Asian introduced to avoid the truth. It is an insult to the Asian community to use that term to describe three alleged Islamic terrorists and the BBC should be ashamed of itself for this fork-tongued approach to reporting news. Labels: dhimmis Comments: 18 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Thursday, August 14, 2008 Labels: open thread Comments: 103 (unread) - Biased BBC Home ed thomas # What do you think? Ralph Peters says: It fits with what I've observed of BBC coverage. This morning they reported in an article online that "officials say" the Russians were pulling out of Gori. Since that time I've heard much contrary information from other sources. And the sources of the Beeb, who were they? Well, they didn't say so at the time, but later on they say "Earlier, Russia said it had began handing back the town of Gori to Georgian police but insisted its troops would stay in the area." So trust first (when it comes to Russia). Verify later- apparently to the BBC.Biased BBC Friday, August 15, 2008
David Vance #BIRD BRAINS. Well, Spring may have long since sprung but cuckoos can always be heard on the BBC. This morning we are serenaded by the news that a number of UK bird species are laying eggs significantly earlier than they were 40 years ago, and this can be put down to..what else? -climate change! I think the BBC will use any story that suggesrs AGW even if, as in this case, there is no causal connection between that which is observed and the alleged climate change. Since the climate is always changing, why does the BBC not provide a platform for those voices which challenge the AGW hysteria? I'll tell you why - because the BBC seeks to cultivate and instil the environmentalist agenda at every turn and as this report demonstrates they will use every cheep trick in the book to do so.
David Vance #
Friday, 15 August 2008
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Britannia Radio