Biased BBC
Thursday, July 31, 2008
David Vance #
So often with the BBC the bias lies in what is does not say. Here is a good example of how the BBC assiduously cultivates what government wants with no regard to providing a broader balanced view.
The BBC report here covers a secret meeting between the NI Security Minister Paul Goggins and members of the UDA terrorist group. The impression given is that Goggins is "getting tough" with these verminous thugs. However, don't be fooled. Another local media outlet has revealed that Goggins has declined to call on police to seize loyalist weapons after a senior PSNI officer indicated police know how to find arms dumps!
So two versions of Security Minister Paul Goggins. The BBC version which portrays him as a tough-talking kinda guy who is determined to sort out armed terrorists and then there is the Belfast Telegraph version which reveals Goggins restraining the Police from carrying out their lawful duty to protect the public! I know which version I believe. With BBC reports you have to read between the lines....
Labels: irish terrorism
Comments: 9 - Biased BBC Home
David Vance #
It's only a few weeks since the BBC was cheer-leading for the National Health Service on the occasion of it's 60th Birthday. As B-BBC readers know, to criticise the neo-Stalinist NHS is frowned upon by the BBC which is why when one reads about this horrific instance of NHS bungling incompetence in which seventeen patients who were told they did not have cancer were later informed they had the disease after a mix-up does not cause more than a mild media ripple. I would have thought that any good journalist would want to take up the comment by Hereford Hospitals NHS Trust chief executive Martin Woodford that "No patients that we have been able to identify have died as a result of a misdiagnosis." Not Yet, he means.
But what about the unimaginable anguish these patients and their families have been plunged into by the NHS? The BBC has a duty to challenge the NHS, to pursue these cases of gross incompetence, to ask tough questions about the State Health Provider, but of course it won't. The NHS and the BBC are spiritually linked; both outdated, both characterised by gross inefficiency, both funded without our consent by our taxes.
Labels: NHS
Comments: 12 - Biased BBC Home
Friday, 1 August 2008
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Britannia Radio