Labels: anti-business Comments: 11 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Labels: pro ObamaBiased BBC Tuesday, August 26, 2008
David Vance #TAX GRAB. It's clear that the BBC is sympathetic to those politicians who favour raiding the cash assets of the energy companies as a means to obtain cash to then bribe, sorry I mean help "poorer families" struggling to pay their bills. This article is typical of BBC bias. It starts by putting the case in favour of the alleged "windfall tax". Then, it provides space for an opposing view. But it then carefully segues the recent profits of the energy companies with a poll from the Observer to suggest that the majority of the public favour this tax grab. All very subtle and all contrived to convey the idea that government raiding the profits of private business is an honourable and worthy course of action.
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
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Britannia Radio