Wednesday 27 August 2008

Biased BBC
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
David Vance #

THE DRUGS AREN'T WORKING. I see the BBC has been running the story concerning five soldiers that have been dismissed from the Armyafter failing a drugs test. The soldiers are from the King's Troop, Royal Horse Artillery, and their duties include guarding the Queen. An Army spokesman added: "Drug misuse in the armed forces will not be tolerated. "Positive rates in the Army over the last three years average around 0.8%, compared with over 7% in civilian workplace drug testing programmes in the UK." Got me thinking what the drug misuse rate is amongst BBC presenters. Maybe ace reporter Jonny Dymond could do a special investigation on the topic or... might he turn his nose up at the prospect ?


Comments: 18 (unread) - Biased BBC Home

David Vance #

TAX GRAB. It's clear that the BBC is sympathetic to those politicians who favour raiding the cash assets of the energy companies as a means to obtain cash to then bribe, sorry I mean help"poorer families" struggling to pay their bills. This article is typical of BBC bias. It starts by putting the case in favour of the alleged "windfall tax". Then, it provides space for an opposing view. But it then carefully segues the recent profits of the energy companies with a poll from the Observer to suggest that the majority of the public favour this tax grab. All very subtle and all contrived to convey the idea that government raiding the profits of private business is an honourable and worthy course of action.


Comments: 39 (unread) - Biased BBC Home

David Vance #

CHANNELING JOHNNY. Well now, have you seen the main BBC news portal this morning? It looks like the BBC is sponsoring the Democratic convention based on the euphoria of the coverage afforded to the first day of the Obama love in. All the elements were on parade for the BBC to propagandise upon. We had the lovely Michelle - that most fragrant of delicate flowers who only recently became proud of her countey - giving her homely wisdom to the masses . Then we had Ted Kennedy - speaking almost from his death bed - and channelling JFK in the BBC's eyes. Even better, we now have what is being presented as an assassination bid on Obama - more echoes of JFK. Can you imagine what it will be like on Thursday when the Chosen One descends to Earth and speaks to the people? Will the BBC be able to contain itself? Can't wait to see the same surge of excitment from the rotten BBC when McCain's moment comes....


Comments: 56 (unread) - Biased BBC Home