Thursday, 21 August 2008

Biased BBC
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
David Vance #

IN THE BROWN STUFF. Despite the best efforts of Hamas to reduce the number of attacks on Israel (Surreal, I know but those are the BBC's wordss) it seems the inhabitants in Gaza are still mired in their own excrement because...YES.... those pesky Jews refuse to allow spare sewage parts into Hamastan. I read this story DRIPPING in pro-Pali bias and wondered if al-Beeb has ever managed to file one report which is critical of the Hamas Jihadists without also suggesting that their barbarism is merely a response to the bad Jews?


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David Vance #

WHEN BAD NEWS IS NO NEWS. I was looking at the BBC's coverage of the US Presidential race and was ..ahem..surprised to see no coverageof the latest poll in the States giving McCain a 5 point lead over the Chosen One. Happily, the BBC's poll still shows Obama in the lead.


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David Vance #

HIBERNIANISATION. I know I have commented on this before it but it does irritate me and so I draw your attention to the bizarre agenda pursued by BBC Northern Ireland, the arm of the BBC which thinks it is Irish, not British. The LEAD story this evening concerns the accidental death of a lady in the Irish Republic. Tragic certainly but in what way does this have ANY relevance to Northern Ireland. Meanwhile the Olympic coverage on this station concerns itself with the Irish connection to Usain Bolt. This is not accidental, it is part of a sustained and politically driven agenda on behalf of the BBC to broadcast the news of a foreign country as if it were domestic news. The term I use is hibernianisation - the greening of Northern Ireland by the lousy BBC.


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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
ed thomas #

General BBC-related comment thread! Please use this thread for comments about the BBC's current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog - scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It's your space, use it wisely.


Comments: 78 (unread) - Biased BBC Home

ed thomas #

Joshing with the Beeb

It seems that's what Russia is doing- taking delight in the cluelessness of our "national" broadcaster.

The BBC's Helen Fawkes reports, apparently sans body armour, of a prisoner swap in Georgia. 15 Georgians are handed over in exchange for five Russians. She notes that there is a small Georgian protest and says:

"One of the banners said: "Stop Russian aggression." This surprised one of the soldiers. "They say we are aggressors," he told us. "We are not aggressors, we are just standing here," he said."

This seems to me the classic bully pose, saying, "who, me? I didn't do nuffink", with a little of the "yes, we can" Russian imperial spirit thrown in.

But actually the above is just an aside :-). The main problem here is that although Fawkes reports this Russian handover, the BBC fail to report the Russian prisoner taking. While 15 are handed over, 20 prisoners were taken in the Georgian port of Poti. In addition the Russians confiscated US-made Humvees.

Since Paul Reynolds has been so concerned for the BBC to examine the propaganda war, let's look at this for a moment. The West hears about prisoner releases, the Russian army and populace hears about net Russian gains (the Russian army needs propagandising too). The Russians benefit from media exposure of conciliatory gestures, and get no penalty for additional intimidatory aggression on the ground. I bet those Humvees have made for some good glancing shots too --- as Uncle Joe's nephews take on the "world's biggest polluter"

Actually this is no joking matter- if one day (gd forbid) we need to take on Russia in a serious conflict, we can be sure the "peace" brigade will have been banking away every "good deed" of [bad, mad] Vlad as a way of painting us the unreasonable parties.


Comments: 12 (unread) - Biased BBC Home

David Vance #

AND THE GOLD MEDAL FOR CLASS WAR GOES TO....Radio 5 live! I happened to catch this snivelling cabal of lefties led by Peter Allen on "Olympic Drive Time" debate whether we should be funding "elitist" rowing, sailing equestrianism since this disenfranchises third world nations. There were further sarcastic comments about "Eton" winning more gold medals than third world nations. Gosh, it's SO unfair that British sport succeeds in all the wrong areas!


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