Care enough to send Hallmark your very best
Homosexual activists are actively destroying America’s cherished family institutions, including marriage, adoption, education, and entire church denominations. Moreover, the deviant sexual promiscuity that is promoted in the homosexual lifestyle leads to alcoholism, sexually transmitted diseases, and early death for homosexuals themselves. By encouraging the destructive behavior of this vocal minority, Hallmark has openly declared war on America’s families and long-held, Biblically-based values........
by Tom DeWeese
American hero companies
What would you do if you worked in manufacturing and watched your co-workers lose their jobs as a result of corporate downsizing? Would it frustrate you to notice that there was no corresponding downsizing in consumer purchasing? More and more Americans today recognize that their country seems to be getting the short end of the stick when they visit their local retail outlets and find all too often that American-made products just aren’t available.......
by Roger Simmermaker
Is the Presidency above Obama’s Pay Grade?
It’s interesting to hear the euphemisms bandied about in campaigns. After Barack Obama’s and John McCain’s appearance a week ago at Saddleback Church, for instance, the former’s ardent supporters were as effusive in their praise as ever. His stammering and copious “uhs” weren’t signs of a befuddled and muddled mind, but of “thoughtfulness” and “nuanced” thinking........
by Selwyn Duke
Jail 4 Years, No Trial
DC cops, rallying around one of their own, decided Brown was good for the crime. They arrested the security guard and locked him up on a 13-count federal indictment. The most serious charge, carrying and discharging a firearm, would mete the most serious jail time. It violatied DC's unconstitutional gun ban which was overturned by the US Supreme Court on June 28, 2008four years and five lawyers ago. In the interim, the three shooting victims filed lawsuits against the Dream nightclub. The claims made by two of the men were quickly settled. The third lawsuit is still pending.........
by Jon Ryter
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
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Britannia Radio