Monday, 18 August 2008

China Confidential

Foreign Reporting and Analysis Since April 2005

Monday, August 18, 2008


The Case For a Russian Commander-in-Chief

A modest proposal....

Considering how the United States has time and again accommodated and appeased its Islamist and radical Arab enemies--the bipartisan record of US humiliation and failure dates to the Palestinian airline hijackings of the early 1970s and the 1973 murder by the PLO of the US ambassador to Sudan--this reporter can't help but suggest that perhaps the time has come to amend the US Constitution to allow for splitting the domestic and foreign parts of the Presidency and electing--or outsourcing--a Russian Commander-in-Chief. 

Imagine if Al Qaeda had attacked Moscow instead of New York on 9/11. Russia's response would have been swift and merciless--and decisive. Al Qaeda and the Taliban would have been annihilated. Having been bled dry by a Vietnam-style conflict in Afghanistan (with US-backed jihadists), Russia would have waged war with radical Islam with World War II rules of engagement. The whole thing would have been over in a matter of months, even it it meant rubbling and cratering every Islamist bastion--and holy city. 

Reuters reports:

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev promised on Monday a "crushing response" to any attack on its citizens as Georgia waited for concrete signs of a promised Russian military pullout.

Medvedev was speaking shortly before Russian military authorities announced that the withdrawal had begun, although Georgia denied this.

"If anyone thinks that they can kill our citizens and escape unpunished, we will never allow this," Medvedev told World War Two veterans in the Russian city of Kursk. "If anyone tries this again, we will come out with a crushing response."

"We have all the necessary resources, political, economic and military. If anyone had any illusions about this, they have to abandon them."