China Confidential
Monday, August 25, 2008
Missile-Mad Mullahs Determined to Stay the Course
Foreign Confidential....
Iran's missile-mad mullahs are solidly behind the country's nuclear-arming maniac-in-chief, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. That is the meaning of today's news out of Tehran.
1. Iran's Supreme (clerical fascist) Leader, Ayatollah Ali Hamenei, has advised the country's president to prepare for a second four-year term, according to Iranian media media reports. The remarks by Tehran's top turbaned tyrant, who has praised Ahmadinejad in the past, are some of the most supportive yet.
"Do not think that this year is your final year," Khamenei told a meeting with the cabinet on Saturday, the official IRNA news agency reported.
"Work as if you will stay in charge for five years. In other words, imagine that in addition to this year, another four years will be under your management, and plan and act accordingly."
2. Iran is designing a 360 MW nuclear power plant, said Mohammad Saeedi, deputy head of the Iran Atomic Energy Organisation.
IRNA quoted him as saying the new power plant, the country's second one, will be constructed in Darkhoin, a city in southwestern province of Khuzestan.
"The site has been chosen and the preparation process is under way," Saeedi said. "Gradually the complementary design phase and its building will begin."
Russia is helping Iran to build the country's first nuclear power plant in the southern port of Bushehr.
It is clear that Iran has no intention of suspending uranium enrichment or compromising on the issue in any meaningful way. On the contrary; the monstrous mullahocracy is advancing rapidly toward acquisition of atomic arms and intercontinental ballistic missiles. The Islamist regime already controls an arsenal of medium- and long-range missiles capable of hitting every Israeli city and town and every American base in the Middle East.Plenty of Oil Left in Scotland's North Sea
Foreign Confidential....
Every day brings fresh proof that the world is not running out of oil, and will continue to run on oil for at least two decades.
The North Sea, for example, has almost as much oil left as has already been extracted, according to a BBC Scotland investigation.
Experts believe between 25 and 30 billion barrels could still be recovered over the next 40 years.
The revelations were made in a landmark BBC Scotland film which shows how the modern history of Scotland is intrinsically linked to the 'black gold' being pumped out of the North Sea.
How long will North Sea oil last? The answer to that depends on many things, including market conditions, future government initiatives and constant technological improvements.
But the proven reserves on some of the region's oldest fields are in fact rising. The Forties Field, one of the biggest and most iconic, is still producing oil 33 years after the first oil was pumped ashore.Russian Lawmakers Urge Medvedev to Recognize Independence of Breakaway Georgian Regions
Foreign Confidential....
VOA reports Russian lawmakers are calling on Russian President Dmitri Medvedev to recognize two breakaway Georgian regions as independent states--a move that would likely further strain Moscow's relations with the West.
All 130 members of Russia's upper house of parliament, or Federation Council, voted Monday to urge recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The lower house, or Duma, is expected to approve the same resolution.
The speaker of the upper house, Sergei Mironov, says South Ossetia and Abkhazia have a right to independence.
Russia has backed separatists in both regions since their break from Tbilisi in the early 1990s, but had stopped short of declaring them independent from Georgia.
Georgia and Russia fought a war earlier this month after Georgia sent in troops on August 7 to try to re-take control of South Ossetia.
On Sunday, French President Nicolas Sarkozy called for European Union leaders to talk about the crisis in Georgia and re-examine relations with Russia.
The 27 EU leaders will gather in Brussels on September 1. They will also consider an aid package for Georgia. France holds the rotating EU presidency.RJC Says Biden Soft on Iran
Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) Executive Director Matt Brooks has issued the following statement:With the selection of Senator Joe Biden as Senator Obama’s vice president, the Democrat’s ticket has now become an even greater gamble for the Jewish community. Throughout his career, Senator Biden has consistently been wrong on Iran and his voting record on Israel has been inconsistent. Like Obama, Biden fundamentally misunderstands the threat posed by an Iran determined to obtain nuclear weapons. Biden has continuously demonstrated poor judgment on Iran. He has voted against significant legislation that would pressure Iran to stop pursuing nuclear weapons. Biden has failed to recognize the serious threat that Iran poses to Israel and the US and its allies in the Middle East.
In 1998, Sen. Biden was one of only four senators to vote against the Iran Missile Proliferation Sanctions Act, a bill that punished foreign companies or other entities that sent Iran sensitive missile technology or expertise. Biden was one of the few senators to oppose the bipartisan 2007 Kyl-Lieberman Amendment labeling the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization. In a December 2007 debate, Biden said “Iran is not a nuclear threat to the United States of America.” On MSNBC’s “Hardball,” Biden said he “never believed” Iran had a weapon system under production.
The Jewish community was already gravely concerned with Senator Obama’s naive understanding of the Iranian threat. An Obama-Biden ticket has proven that it is ill-equipped to deal with this threat. By selecting Senator Biden to join his ticket, voting for Senator Obama has now become an even greater risk.Olympic Nightmare: Londonistan 2012
Foreign Confidential ....
Now that the Beijing Summer Olympic Games are over, intelligence experts are focusing on the 2012 London Games--a security nightmare.
The Olympic site is positioned in the middle of one of Britain’s largest Muslim communities in the east London neighborhood of Stratford.
The problem was underscored in 2005, hours after London was awarded the Games, when the July 7 terrorist bombings shocked Londoners into realizing that they, too, were on the front lines in the war with radical Islam.
China Confidential has learned that among other measures, Britain plans to stock up on the most advanced gear for protection against nuclear, chemical, and biological attacks.Iran Plans to Launch Communications Satellite
Foreign Confidential...
Iran's maniac-in-chief has announced another giant leap for Islamist terror--disguised as a small step for science and technology.
Iran has the technology to develop satellites and will soon send a communication satellite into the orbit, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Saturday, according to the official IRNA news agency.
"Iran has obtained the technology to build satellites and will use its know-how to launch its first remote sensing telecommunication satellite into space," the told a gathering in the central Iranian province of Arak.
Ahmadinejad added that the satellite developed by its scientists is the most advanced technology of its kind.
Western sanctions have been proved ineffective in obstructing Iran's progress in rocketry and space applications, he said in an apparent reference to bans imposed on the country in the backlash of a controversial nuclear power programme.
"You imposed sanctions on Iran, but our nation has now the ability to launch rockets into the orbit which can carry satellites and will shortly use their ability," he said.
Iranian Space Organization chief Reza Taghipour on Wednesday said the country would send its first astronaut in space in the next decade.
Iran earlier this month had announced the successful launch of a homemade satellite-carrier named Safir, which is capable of putting small satellites into low earth orbit.
The Iranian space program provides a cover for the development intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads.Bhutto's Widower Warns Taliban are Winning
The Islamists--Iran, Al Qaeda, the Taliban--are winning World War III; and the West and secular Arab and Muslim governments are in denial.
The BBC reports from Pakistan:The Pakistani Taleban have "the upper hand" and should be put on the list of banned organisations in Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto's widower has said.
Asif Ali Zardari said, in a BBC interview, that the world and Pakistan were losing the war on terror.
"It is an insurgency", he said, "and an ideological war. It is our country and we will defend it.
"The world is losing the war. I think at the moment they (the Taleban) definitely have the upper hand.
"The issue, which is not just a bad case scenario as far as Pakistan is concerned or as Afghanistan is concerned but it is going to be spreading further. The whole world is going to be affected by it.Comment: Obama is a Shocking Choice
Dateline USA....
Approaching the seventh anniversary of the Islamist attacks of 9/11, the Democratic Party is poised to nominate the first Muslim-born candidate for President of the United States, and also, maybe, the first-ever dual- or triple-citizen Presidential candidate.
Incredibly, Obama is or was a citizen of Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim country--and a hothouse of Islamist terrorism and Muslim extremism--according to an unearthed and apparently authentic Indonesian school certificate completed by his Indonesian stepfather, a Muslim, who listed Obama's name as Barry Soetoro and religion as Muslim. This ties in with recollections by his Indonesian classmates that he practiced Islam as a child and attended mosque services with his stepfather.
There are credible reports that Obama visited Pakistan as a college student--on an Indonesian passport.
There is also reason to believe that Obama may be a citizen of Kenya, where his cousin, the Prime Minister and opposition leader Raila Odinga, is allied with Islamists. His biological father, a non-practicing Muslim socialist from the African country, may have opted for Kenyan citizenship for his son. Obama campaigned for his cousin during a visit to Kenya; in fact, Obama's intervention in Kenyan politics was extremely controversial locally because of rising violence by Muslim gangs backing the imposition of Islamist law on parts of the country.
In short, it is simply shocking to think that Barry Soetoro, or Barack Hussein Obama--who was born a Muslim according to Islamic religious law, which traces religious identity through the father--could be America's commander-in-chief while Al Qaeda has yet to be defeated, Afghainstan is in danger of falling to the dreaded, Al Qaeda-allied Taliban, and Islamist Iran is on the verge of acquiring atomic arms and intercontinental ballistic missiles.
POSTSCRIPT: Atlas Shrugs reminds us that Obama, who was endorsed by Hamas and supported by Gaza telephone banks and campaign contributions, has promised to sponsor a Muslim nations summit if elected President. The shocking, Jan. 30 AFP dispatch is excerpted below:US presidential hopeful Barack Obama has told a French magazine he wants to organise a summit of the Muslim world if he makes it to the White House.
Muslim and Western leaders would be invited to the summit for "a discussion about how we can prevent the widening misunderstandings and gaps between the Muslim world and the West," Obama said in the interview to Paris Match.
"I will ask them to join us in battling terrorism but we should also be willing to listen in terms of some of their concerns," he said in the interview to be released Thursday.
Obama, 46, is battling Hillary Clinton to stand as the Democratic party's candidate in the November presidential race.
Obama lived in predominantly Muslim Indonesia with his mother and a Muslim stepfather for four years as a child, but his parents were not religious and he was baptised as a Christian as an adult. [EDITOR'S NOTE: There is no evidence that he was baptized or that he ever formally converted to Christianity, despite his 20-year affiliation with a racist Black Liberation Church headed by his former pastor and spiritual adviser, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who has blamed--and damned--the US for 9/11 and has also published Hamas propaganda.]
In the interview, Obama also said he wanted to shut down the US Guantanamo prison camp in Cuba and end the war in Iraq.
"As long as we are maintaining an occupation in Iraq, it's going to be hard to focus on other things," he said.Olympics Over, China Turns to Taiwan
With a near flawless Olympic Games behind it, China will turn to its next big challenge: taking back Taiwan.
The ruling Communist Party will not give its democratically self-governed rival too long to decide it it wants to reunify peacefully or at the point of a gun. Any move toward formal independence by Taiwan's government is likely to lead to war.
Not for nothing has China amassed a huge arsenal of ballistic missiles opposite the island nation.
Timing is key. Beijing believes that is it is important to press Taiwan while its ally, the United States, is (a) economically weakened, (b) bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan, (c) on the brink of a war with nuclear-arming Iran, and (d) trying to cope and avoid a new cold war with Russia.
Coincidentally, perhaps, the Olympic Games, a history-making, internationally validating achievement for rising China, ended on the 50th anniversary of a major battle between Chinese Communist and Nationalist forces that occurred after the civil war that resulted in the splitting of Taiwan from the mainland.
AP reports:Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou called Sunday for China to help usher in an era of peace with Taiwan as he marked the 50th anniversary of a fierce battle between the archrivals on an outlying island.
Ma made the appeal during a trip to Kinmen, a fortified island also known as Quemoy just miles off China's Xiamen city in Fujian province. He greeted dozens of war veterans and visited bunkers and other battle sites.
"People across the Taiwan Strait must not allow the rerun of any civil war tragedies," Ma said. "We should build on the base of our (recent) reconciliation and usher in wider cooperation."
"Let us turn this killing field into a land of peace for the 21st century," he said.
In 1958, Mao Zedong's forces fired nearly half a million shells at the main Kinmen island and adjacent islets in a 44-day artillery bombardment. With the backing of the United States, Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist troops held on and later built nearby Taiwan into a fortress, resisting Beijing's attempts to put it under its fold.
After once ruling China, the Nationalists were driven to Taiwan in 1949 by Mao's Communist forces. China still claims the self-ruled island is part of its territory to be reunified by force if necessary.
Addressing a solemn ceremony in Kinmen, Ma lauded the soldiers who fought in the 1958 battle.
"In this battle, we proved our determination to safeguard Taiwan and won the respect of the world," Ma said.
The Kinmen bombardment began on Aug. 23, 1958. However, commemorations were postponed for a day by a typhoon.
Since taking office in May, Ma has sought to end hostilities with China by cementing closer economic ties.
In June, Taiwan and China broke a 10-year hiatus to restart negotiations. The sides have subsequently begun regular charter flights and increased the number of Chinese tourists visiting Taiwan.
With hostilities easing, regular ferry services were launched between Kinmen and Xiamen in 2000. Many of Kinmen's 40,000 residents buy daily supplies from nearby Fujian, and many have bought property and sent their children to schools there.
But a proposal to build a seven-mile bridge linking Kinmen and Xiamen has been stalled for years. Taiwan fears the project could be viewed as a symbol of political unity, and most Taiwanese refuse to unite with authoritarian mainland China.
On Sunday, Ma said his administration will consider the bridge project and another Kinmen proposal to obtain water supplies from Fujian.Khamenei Praises Iranian Nuclear Program
AFP reports from Tehran:"Some domineering countries and their worthless followers want to get their own way with the Iranian nation, but the nation, the president and the government have stood up to them," he was quoted by state television as saying.
"Adopting an aggressive spirit against world bullies is a sign of the government's loyalty to revolutionary slogans and discourse," it quoted him as saying in a meeting with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his cabinet.
Iran risks a fourth round of UN sanctions for failing to give a clear response to an incentives offer by six world powers in return for halting uranium enrichment, a process to produce nuclear fuel that can also make the core of an atomic bomb.
Iran says it has the right, as a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, to enrich uranium and insists that its atomic programme is aimed solely at generating energy for a growing population.
The United States, which has been pushing for tougher sanctions, has never ruled out a military option to thwart Iran's nuclear drive.
Ahmadinejad on Saturday dismissed the impact of sanctions, citing last Sunday's launch of a home-produced missile that Tehran says can put a satellite into orbit.
"You have imposed sanctions on us, but today young people in this land do not need your help to have a satellite-carrying missile," he told a rally in the central city of Arak carried live on state television.
"Iran does not need you in any way," he said, vowing to launch the country's first communications satellite soon.
Monday, 25 August 2008
Dateline USA....
Foreign Confidential....
Iran's top turbaned tyrant, Supreme (clerical fascist) Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, on Saturday praised the country's government for resisting international pressure on the Islamic republic to halt its controversial nuclear program.
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