Climate change and cognitive dissonance
The Guardian has one of its climate change scare scoops for us all to panic about today. Their good friend and climate change guru, Professor Robert Watson has held court and it is clear from what he says that we are all doomed: The UK should take active steps to prepare for dangerous climate change of perhaps 4C according to...
Posted on The Waendel Journal.Damning criticism of the IPCC
The increasingly unmissable Watts Up With That? blog by Anthony Watts reports and links to a damning criticism of the argument by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that global warming is man made. The case for remaining sceptical of the things we are being told by the IPCC and for demanding further investigation of the...
Posted on The Waendel Journal.Mr. Byrne's 'Progressive Britshness'
Quite the scariest member of the government, Liam Byrne, is at it again. He plans to introduce measures that will see freeborn Englishmen having every last detail of their every movement in and out of the country handed over to the State. Every single citizen of this country should sit up and take notice of this, for it is yet another piece in the jigsaw of the Stasi State that Labour is bent on introducing.
Posted on The Huntsman.A mark of an independent nation
Rule Britannia, Britannia is ruled by Europe. Although this story is two days old it is still gnawing away at me as just the latest example demonstrating that Britain is unable to act on her own decisions. By signing up to European conventions, treaties and structures, our politicians have signed away this country's right to self determination and...
Posted on The Waendel Journal.
Thursday, 7 August 2008
Climate change and cognitive dissonance. Damning criticism of the IPCC. Mr. Byrne's 'Progressive Britshness'. A mark of an independent nation.
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