David Icke Interview
Q: Can you tell us about your recent activities around the world (As it is mentioned in your site you tour a lot).
I have been gathering information, putting the puzzle-pieces together, since around 1990 and produced a stream of books that have helped people to see that the world is not like they thought it was - on so many fronts.
But the explosion of interest in my work really began after 9/11 and even more after the invasion of Iraq based on a blatant lie. I think part of it was the understanding that if the authorities will lie so obviously and outrageously about 'wepaons of mass destruction' to justify a war that has killed hundreds of thousands of civilians then what the hell else are they lying about?
As a result, there has been a massive worldwide increase in interest in what I am saying and this autumn I will be heading for Croatia, Romania, Italy and the United States to speak. Also, a DVD is coming out of a seven-hour presentation I did recently and that connections vast amounts of 'dots' so the picture can be seen.
I recently recorded a free three-hour presentation that got to the top of the Google Video charts for most-watched a few weeks ago and is still right up there last time I looked, and there is another free video on Google of a talk I did in 1996 which laid out the agenda to come that is happening now. I made this video available to show that what is happening in the world is not randomed, it is coldy calculated and planned far ahead.
People can see the two videos at this address: http://www.davidicke.com/content/view/14373/48/
Q: Is there any chance of seeing you in Israel ?
I would happilly speak in Israel, but I doubt if the authorities would allow it given what I say about the government and the shadow people who control it.
Q: What are your thoughts of the current state of global conspiracy – as of July 08 ?
It is moving forward very fast because the more power you centralize the more power you have to centralize even quicker. The Orwellian society of ever more viscious and detailed State control of the people is happening everywhere at the same time because it is centrally coordinated and planned by the shadow global network I have been long exposing.
This network operates like a transnational corporation in that it has a central headquarters, which is based, at least at operational level, in Europe, and it controls 'subsidiary companies' (secret society networks) in each country, including Israel.
These subsidiaries carry out in their country the centrally-dictated agenda for the centralization of power and control of the population in the same way that a corporation subsidiary carries out the corporate plan passded down from the headquarters. This is how they can change a long list of countries in the same way at the same time.
Q : “Big brother state – and the by-election” care to explain ?
A well-known politician in the UK, David Davis, the Home Affairs spokesman for the opposition (and next government) Conservative Party resigned his seat in the Houses of Parliament in protest at the gathering Big Brother State in Britain and stood in a by-election to be returned to Parliament on the issue of 'Stop Big Brother'.
When the major parties, including the governing Labour Party, decided not to stand against him I stood in the election for one reason only - to use that platform to make the point that David Davis was talking about a fraction of what Big Brother really was and the global nature of the agenda for human control.
Once I got close to the election I saw that the 'anti-Big Brother' claims of Mr. Davis were a sham and there were other reasons why he did what he did, some of which I explain in that free video.
As Israelis a lot of us (the ones with a clearer view of the brain wash militarist state we live in ) feel that we are always, somehow, a part of a bigger scheme and that we get a lot of attention from the worldwide media with no proportions at all to our nation's importance or population size.
For example, Bush's frequent visits and declaration of "eternal friendship and love between our nations" – let alone the foreign assistance he provides.
And the 60th anniversary party held in Jerusalem this year which was a festival for pompous declarations from world leaders.
Or even a better example – seeing our government succumb to stupid decisions made by Washington year after year since 1973.
Q: Do you have any thoughts or knowledge of Israel's roles in relation to the global conspiracy (if any).
Replace the word 'Israel' with 'Rothschild' and you will see why there is so much focus on Israel. The Rothschilds are a "Satanic" network, formerly called 'Bauer', and they funded both sides in the two world wars. They hide behind being 'Jewish' when they have utter contempt for the mass of Jewish people and use them for their own ends.
The Israeli government of whatever party is always the Rothschild government and it is the same in the United States where their agents are the Rockefeller family, among others. Therefore, the US and Israeli governments under whatever party are both Rothschild governments. Take that on board and so much that seems strange and unexplainable becomes understandable.
Israel is the personal fiefdom of the Rothschilds and the Israeli people are their serfs.
The Rothschilds wanted to cause upheavel and disharmony in the Middle East to serve their agenda for global control (in league with other elements of the global network, it's not just the Rothschilds by any means) and they have used the Israeli people and the State of Israel to do that.
It may be hard to believe, but the Rothschilds and the network of which they are a fundamental part, also control countries like Saudi Arabia and other 'Arab' countries and the mass of their peoples are manipulated just as the Israelis are in your country.
It's all a horrible game with the strings attached to both 'sides' held by the same people in the shadows. It's called divide and rule.
Q: I don’t mean to sound rude but since we are trying to get to the bottom of things, here goes – what would you say to those people who claim : "he is in it for the money" or you "provoke controversy only to sell books " ?
Such claims are made by uninformed idiots. Firstly, I gave up a well-paid career in television to do what I do and for around three years I earned virtually nothing. I lived off savings because I believed in what I was doing. Also, you don't take the scale of ridicule and abuse that I have taken 'for money'. There are much easier ways to earn it.
And because of the legal bills to stop attempts to hijack my books, I have not received a penny from the sale of any book or DVD worldwide for three years and I spent six months writing my latest book knowing that I would not get any money for it.
So you can see what nonsense those claims are about 'doing it for the money'. They come from monumental prats who wouldn't cross the road to do anything about what is daily taking control of every aspect of human life. Im would say they are pathetic, but that word does not even begin to suffice.
Q:What`s the point ? What can the average Schmuck do to save the world from the clutches of the global tyranny ?
Stop being the average 'Schmuck', for a start. We are programmed to see ourselves as impotent and powerless - it is part of the control. But it's not true IF we stop allowing race, religion, income bracket etc., to divide and rule us.
Remember that famous statement after the Second World War?
First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the communists
and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me -
and by then there was no one left to speak out for me.
That's the technique that tyranny always uses to pick off different sections of society while the others look the other way and think 'it's not my problem'. But eventually it does become their problem and by the time it does there is no-one left to help them.
This is what is happening with the conflicts between peoples, especially the Jews and the Arabs, and we need to stop playing the game that we are manipulated to play because this is not a conspiracy to enslave Jews, or Arabs, or blacks, or middle-class Americans. It is a conspiracy to enslave ALL of us and if we don't end the manufactured conflicts between us we will be divided and ruled into a Global Prison State. It is happening now, by the minute.
The 'space-suits' we call Jews, Arabs, Blacks or Whites are just expressions of the SAME consciousness. We are all ONE, but we allow ourselves to be divided and therefore ruled through the faultlines of race, culture, religion and income bracket.
We are cooperating with our own enslavement and how ironic it will be when the planned prison camps are filled with those who have spent years fighting each other. But that's where we are heading unless the human race grows up very fast.
Friday, 1 August 2008
David Icke Interview on Israeli Radio Station Transcript
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Britannia Radio