US President George W. Bush
By The Public Eye(The Public Eye)
The MEK has been designated a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union, Canada, Iraq, and Iran. Ritter reported that the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had used the MEK to carry out remote ...
Truth to Power -
Czech President warns against excessive goals during EU presidency
Xinhua - China
The Czech Republic, one of the EU countries not to have ratified the reform treaty yet, pushed through at the summit in Brussels in June a clause, ...
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Czech President warns against excessive goals during EU presidency
By Darith
The Czech Republic, one of the EU countries not to have ratified the reform treaty yet, pushed through at the summit in Brussels in June a clause, saying that the ratification process in the country would be suspended until the ...
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Lisbon and the democratic deficit
By voteno2lisbon
Finally, the International Herald Tribune has an article today on the post Lisbon scenario by Stephen Castle, where he questions the benefits of the Lisbon treaty to bring about internal reform in the EU and poses the idea that some ...
A Better Deal -
The Treaty of Lisbon: an Uncertain Future / House of Commons ...
If it does not come into force the EU will continue to work on the basis of the present Treaties as amended by the Treaty of Nice in 2000, although many believe some institutional reform will be needed to enable the Union to function ...
Alertinfo -
Today's Zaman: Europe should step up by standing down - by Jim O'Neil
By A-News(A-News)
Given that Europe managed to construct EMU, the Maastricht Treaty, and the stability and growth pact that underlines the euro, it should be relatively easy for Eurozone experts to help devise a system for judging G7 type membership. ...
What is the EU for? (Part 2)
By nosemonkey
(Part 1) and the dLiberation blog I did for openDemocracy last year, focussing pretty much exclusively on the problems of getting the people to participate meaningfully in EU reform…)