EU has stopped us changing laws
Tristan Harris
22 August 2008
I am amused by Peter Luff MP who thinks that the history of British regulations on the postal service is relevant to the current closures situation.
The British invented the first postage stamp, but this cuts no ice in the EU Parliament when making directives on the subject.
Once upon a time, the British Government was able to change the rules quickly when it got it wrong, whereas now, in 2008, it must obey EU Directives which are set in concrete until all 27 states of the EU empire agree to reset it. EU directives are the equivalent to a one-way trap and I am surprised Mr Luff has opened his to confuse the issue.
The EU directives in question are (97/67/EC) and (2002/39/EC) and both will need to change if our postal system is not going to be ruled and ruined by the EU. Mr Luff’s problem is that only UKIP voted against those directives in the EU Parliament whereas his own party endorsed them. Oh how nice it would be if EU directives were so easily ignored, as Mr Luff appears to suggest, or that his party’s voting record of constantly giving power away to the EU was not known.
Mike Natrass MEP
UKIP West Midlands