Saturday, 30 August 2008

EU unsure about regulating polonium in tobacco
By robbster
EU official documents. Directive 2001/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council Pdf; Second Report on the Application of the Tobacco Products Directive Pdf. Press articles. The New York Times: Puffing on Polonium external ...
Ciggyfree Blog & Gov Alert -

Extraordinary Rendition, Extraordinary Mistake
Foreign Policy In Focus - USA
Ordinary rendition is common in international relations and involves the surrendering of persons to foreign jurisdictions, in accordance with a treaty or ...
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Manufacturing Business Technology - Oak Brook,IL,USA
A peace treaty was concluded in May 1997. Following a number of terrorist incidents blamed on Chechen separatists, the Russian government launched a new ...
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The EU and the Western Balkans: The Objectives of the Slovenian EU ...
Osservatorio Balcani - Italy
Thus, despite the EU’s own reform quandaries and symptoms of enlargement fatigue among constituencies and political representatives in many member states, ...
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Ireland: Catholic attacks on EU are misplaced - UK
Was it God or Mammon that led to the "no" vote in Ireland's referendum on the EU Lisbon reform treaty? The leader of the country's Catholics certainly seems ...
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Ireland: Catholic attacks on EU are misplaced

By Sotto Voce(Sotto Voce)
Was it God or Mammon that led to the "no" vote in Ireland's referendum on the EU Lisbon reform treaty? The leader of the country's Catholics certainly seems to think Lisbon's rejection last June was down to the former ... or at least ...
Clerical Whispers -

Interview of Nosemonkey (EUtopia)
By Pierre-Antoine Rousseau
But he’s genuinely passionate about EU democracy and EU reform, is genuinely willing to engage, and genuinely tries to offer constructive criticism rather than just sniping from the sidelines like most eurosceptic types. ...

Germany – an emerging superpower? Comparisons with the 1930s
By James McConalogue and Margarida Vasconcelos(James McConalogue and Margarida Vasconcelos)
By March 2007 the Berlin Declaration was adopted which declared the intention of all member states to have ratified a new Treaty for the government of the enlarged European Union by the 2009 elections. Beyond the Treaty, Germany, ...
Through the EU Labyrinth -

Update on taxes and treason
Elizabeth laid the charges of treason against Gordon Brown at the Newcastle Magistrates Court on the ground that Brown had forced The Queen against her Coronation Oath to agree the Lisbon Treaty (the EU Constitution). ...
Brits at their Best -

Freedom isn't Free" archive
By (Cassandra)
Calling for root-and-branch reform of Nato and a new pact drawing the US, Nato and the European Union together in a "grand strategy" to tackle the challenges of an increasingly brutal world, the former armed forces chiefs from the US, ...