Gordon Brown gives us nightmares
The Prime Minister Gordon Brown is quite literally the stuff of
nightmares, according to a survey.
By Anita Singh, Showbusiness Editor
Last Updated: 5:58PM BST 12 Aug 2008
Mr Brown joins spiders, falling from a great height and Heather Mills in
a list of things which have Britons waking in a cold sweat.
He was named the third most nightmarish celebrity, behind singer Amy
Winehouse and shock rocker Marilyn Manson. Simon Cowell, Cherie Blair
and Chancellor Alistair Darling also figured highly.
The survey of 3,500 people revealed one in 10 adults has suffered a
nightmare in the past week alone, and women are more likely to be
Being chased is the most common nightmare theme, followed by losing a
loved one.
Four in five respondents said they felt traumatised by their nightmares,
and one in five blamed a bad dream for making them less productive at
work the following day.
Having a dream about Mr Brown signifies that we are worried about the
credit crisis, according to hotel chain Travelodge, which conducted the
"These nightmarish thoughts are a manifestation of how much the credit
crunch is affecting our daily lives and causing distressed sleep
patterns," said the chain's Director of Sleep, Leigh McCarron.
"Dreaming about being chased or falling is a reaction to the stresses we
face in life.
" It's no wonder Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling are making a special
appearance in our nightmares at the moment.
"Both symbolise the fears we are facing in today's economy."
http://www.telegrap h.co.uk/news/ newstopics/ howaboutthat/ 2547265/Gordon-
Brown-gives- us-nightmares. html
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
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Britannia Radio