Hi, here is your weekly round-up of highlights from OUT-LAW News. As always, there are plenty of other stories from this week. You can also access our archive of weekly emails.
This week's news on OUT-LAW.COM
Government consults on extension of flexible working rights
The Government has asked business what it thinks about its plans to extend flexible working rights to parents of children up to the age of 16.
House raffle is probably illegal, says gambling law expert
The Gambling Commission should investigate the couple selling their £1 million house through a £25-a-ticket lottery, a gambling law expert has said. The Commission refused to comment on the case.
Lecturer wins £10,000 email libel payout
A university which sent a department-wide email accusing a lecturer of expenses fraud has paid him £10,000 in an out-of-court libel settlement.
Computer containing a million bank customers' details sells on eBay for £35
A computer containing the banking details of a million UK customers has been sold on eBay for £35. The machine was taken from a company which stores banks' financial records, Graphic Data.
Moderators say reader comments on news stories are higher risk than forums
Media sites which ask readers to comment on news stories are at greater risk of bearing responsibility for those comments than for comments in online forums or discussion groups, leading web moderators have warned.
Springboard injunction can stop mass defection of staff, rules High Court
A new wealth management firm was ordered by the High Court this month to restrict its activities to avoid breaking employment laws governing the mass defection of staff to rival firms.

OUT-LAW Radio: Are patents and copyrights making innovation impossible?