Monday, 25 August 2008

It is time to bring the question out into the open: is the Prime Minister of sane mind?

Going right back to the Blair charge that he was "psychologically flawed"this question has periodically arisen. Whereas in the past people made a joke of it, now the issue is becoming a genuine concern. Labour MPs discuss it semi-openly and political journalists report evidence of hysterical rants, the rages, the odd behaviour. The question comes up in private conversations all the time. Guido has heard it seriously suggested that Gordon suffers from "high functioning Aspergers".

It is becoming harder to cover it up whatever it is - some interviews border on totally loony - the repetitive mantras, the uncorrelated bizarre smiles, the complete inability to empathise. When Kay Burley asked him this week would he still have the PM's job at Christmas his reply was "Of course, because we have got to get on with the job... We have got to get on with the job. People want us to get on with the job. Getting on with the job is the most important thing at the moment." He snapped at the Mail on Sunday "I’m happy to talk to you because you are here... I have given you special time. That is very good of me. You are very fortunate."

He told smirking political correspondents on the flight to Beijing that he was going to win the next election, he tells confidantes that he believes the economy will turn around in a few months. We are told to expect an economic plan to turn things around - a plan which the Treasury is openly briefing it knows nothing about. He is clearly becoming increasingly disconnected from reality.

It is low politics to hurl cheap abuse at opponents, but this is not borne of malice towards Brown, Guido feels like the boy who pointed at the naked emperor and said what everyone was too embarrassed to say. The head of government is clearly at the very least deluded and unable to function under the pressure. The worst is frightening to contemplate, for his party and the country...