A chronological look at the evidence
Historical and Investigative Research -- by Prof.Francisco Gil-White
[ this piece updated regularly ]
Around the world, there is a striking convergence of opinion concerning the relationship between the US and Israel.
Supporters of the PLO - synonymous with "supporters of a Palestinian state", because the PLO will run any such state - are convinced that the US is an ally of Israel. Some believe the US employs Israel in order to expand the American empire, and others - echoing the claims of that infamous forgery, "The Protocols of Zion" - believe that history's greatest superpower, the US, is actually the pawn of tiny Israel. Either way, they are agreed that the US and Israel are supposedly 'a team.'
Supporters of Israel naturally disagree with supporters of the PLO about most things but not on this point, as they also believe that the US is a friend of Israel - perhaps its only real friend. Whereas those who are pro-PLO are especially infuriated by perceived US support for Israel, those who are pro-Israel are deliriously grateful for the same (especially so in the case of Zionist Jews).
Given that across the spectrum of those politically mobilized on this issue, from one pole to the other, everybody appears to have the same opinion on this, casual observers are naturally drawn into agreement as well, creating a crushing consensus all over the world: the US is an ally of Israel.
But is it true?
Let us first ask: what is an ally? My dictionary defines 'ally' as "one who is associated with another as helper."
Everybody knows that the US says it supports Israel. But actions speak louder than words. What is the evidence of US actions? In this piece I provide a chronological list of relevant US policies over the years.
I am hoping that this piece will begin a debate. It is not finished, and the research relevant to its claims is ongoing. I shall be updating the piece as I gather more data. But I have already assembled quite a lot, below, and what I have is certainly sufficient to challenge the common view. I believe, in fact, that what I have presented below is already sufficient to refute the common view many times over, and the compilation of these documented facts came as a big eye-opener. Hopefully this documentation will begin a serious debate on this question, rather than an automatic assumption based on official claims of US support for Israel - which claims are cheaply, and therefore easily, made.
It is important to remember that what is examined here is the behavior of the US foreign policy Establishment, which is secretive. The evidence therefore speaks to what is, and has been, the true position of the US ruling elite with regard to Israel and the Jewish people. It does not speak to the position of the American people, many of whom, I believe, will be outraged to find that, as I document below, the US specializes in attacking Israel. In fact the section on 1947-48 contains dramatic evidence that ordinary Americans tend not to favor the anti-Jewish policies of the US ruling elite.
The chronology already goes up to the year 2005, but I have yet to complete the research on some of the missing years in between.
[NOTE: In this document, when you see a red footnote this means that, in addition to giving the source and/or a link, there is extra material (sometimes relatively lengthy) that is worth reading and which provides additional context and clarification. Many of my sources are available on the web and I have provided the hyperlinks in the footnotes (whether red or not) so that readers may easily examine them.]
The 1930's - Negative - The US Establishment helped sponsor the rise of the German Nazi movement.
1939-1945 - Negative - This year's material is divided into the following sections:
1. The general policy of the Allies towards the plight
of the Jews
2. No US visas for European Jews trying to escape the Nazi slaughter
3. The allies refused to sabotage Hitler's Final Solution by military means
1945 - Negative - After 1945, the US created US Intelligence by recruiting tens of thousands of Nazi war criminals.
1947-48 - Mixed to Negative - Forced by external circumstances, the US government gave lukewarm support to the creation of the State of Israel. But then it reversed itself and implemented policies designed to destroy Israel.
1949-1953 - Negative - In Israel's hour of supreme need, the US allied with Israel's mortal enemies.
Saturday, 9 August 2008
Is the US an ally of Israel?
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Britannia Radio