Joseph Biden: Liar, cheat, traitor?
Joseph Biden is also a traitor. I don't use that word lightly, but Biden has clearly shown by his own words and actions over the decades that he is for a one world government: a one world banking system, one world religion (new age), one military force, world regional government. Joseph Biden by his own words and actions has been a participant in bringing these united States of America into a one world order and for that, he is a traitor.......
by Devvy Kidd
The Management Plan, Part 2
The one-world religion which accommodates Eastern and Western faiths is all part of a global management plan of which most people are unaware. The goal is the “Civic Church” about which Cecil Rhodes’ close ally, W. T. Stead, wrote over 100 years ago, where increasingly a focus of attention will be “Service to Humanity,” including taking care of the environment and the Earth (“sacred” Mother Gaia to New Agers). In order to do this, reverence for God in the traditional Judeo-Christian sense will be diminished........
by Dennis Cuddy
By 2042, America's Minorities Become New Majority
Aristotle said, “Tolerance and apathy are the first signs of a dying society.” Linda Chavez noted in that national column carried by major newspapers nationwide, that by 2042, the United States transforms from a majority nation to a minority dominated nation. She said, “Hispanics, Asians and blacks will outnumber whites by 32 million…but so what?”........
by Frosty Wooldridge
Monday, 25 August 2008
Posted by Britannia Radio at 20:00