A Peculiar People
You see, I think Christians should be different. We shouldn’t blend in with the world. Paul said we were peculiar, a bit odd, but clearly different from non-believers. Putting a cross on my hat doesn’t make me any more of a Christian than sticking a fish on the back of my car, but it does have a tendency to keep me in line. It is hard to yell at the referee, or flip off a driver that just cut me off in traffic when I have my hat on.......
by Coach Dave Daubenmire
Political Correctness: Multiculturalism and Diversity
They remain silent with millions of jobs lost to outsourcing, offshoring and insourcing. They say nothing as to our $9.4 trillion federal debt. They button their lips as this senseless and endless war in Iraq and Afghanistan continues to kill our kids and deplete our nation. U.S. citizens remain silent while an unarmed invasion force numbering over 20 million storms our borders by the thousands nightly........
by Frosty Wooldridge
Thursday, 7 August 2008
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Britannia Radio