Saturday, 30 August 2008

Lame Cherry


Sarah Palin: America's Chance

Pretty in life usually does not mean a great deal inside, but in Sarah Palin one finds a lady who carried a down syndrome baby last year to full term and delivered that baby in putting into life all of the things in the Bible, the United States Constitution and what so many people who talk of "life" have nothing to back up what they are saying but words.
There is something telling about a lady who has invested now her remaining life to nurture one child that the world said she could have aborted.

I know someone in history who came to the west to become who they would be. That person had his wife die in child birth, came to west and became the person only the west can make you to be a world leader. That person was Theodore Roosevelt in caring about American issues of caring for Americans, but at the same time knowing the need for a national American to keep the nation safety.
There is just something about anyone west of the Mississippi from California to Alaska, to Texas to North Dakota that makes them a breed of people who are mirror images of Kit Carson.

Sarah Palin was educated in Idaho. She went back to Alaska and ran for her local government, because she wanted more paved roads for her town. She didn't complain and accept the status quo, but did something about it.

She was appointed to oversee the ethics of her state on oil and ended up resigning because she would not submit to her own party's corruption in Alaska.

Alone, without party support, this woman set out 2 years ago to be governor of her state and she was elected to be Alaska's popular governor.

I wonder in that how people will savage this woman who is a lady. Immediately, I read of an Obama release attacking her as "from a town of 9000 people" in that red state bigotry coming from elitists who think that only metropolitan areas are sophisticated enough to be near elected offices.
Whether one agrees about opening Alaska up to drilling and pumping oil to keep oil money here and get America out of the Middle East bloodbath, Sarah Palin believes in it and has been pushing for it.

There is footage of her before any of it would matter of Gov. Palin live firing an M 16 rifle on the firing line. A lifelong NRA member whose favorite meal is moose stew and who would rather be out in the wilds and yet is what a Westerner would term a hard sell.
(For those who do not know what a hard sell is, that is a person who against all of odds will not run, but instead decides to live and die on the ground they stand. That is the look in this woman's eyes.)

5 children, a son serving in the Army, environmentalist, oil drilling, tax cutter, hunter, fisher, Christian, pro life and pro Second Amendment.

The surest sign Sarah Palin is a nightmare to the elitist press are the condescending remarks in "I'm sure she is a nice woman and mother, but not qualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency".
Unlike Kenyan citizen Barack Obama, Sarah Palin actually is qualified under the Constitution where he is disqualified.

The fact is Gov. Palin actually has managed and run government for 17 years, unlike Sen. Obama and Sen. Obama who have been in the Senate.

Sarah Palin will be savaged by the elitists who do not understand exactly what she brings to the race. She cements the Christian, Patriot, Pro Life vote.
She cements now the Reagan country vote east of the Sierra Nevadas, west of the Mississippi, south to Texas and north to the Canadian line.
She gives a bigger margin in the entire south into Florida which John McCain needs.

This leaves the midwest states of Wisconsin to Pennsylvania. Currently the trends are toward McCain in all, but the must need state of Pennsylvania for Barack Obama.
Pennsylvania has working families, hunters, football fans and now SarahPalin has put Pennsylvania back into play.

This is why Barack Obama was stuttering more than usual today in Pennsylvania and Joe Biden was scowling enormously.

This is what this blog was speaking of last winter in telling Americans that if a Richard Nixon was around to run a campaign that he could so splinter the Democrats that a landslide was in the making by Barack Obamaleading the ticket. The key to this was putting a strong Conservative woman on the ticket.
John McCain's accomplished just that.

That is why this blog stated before Barack Obama picked Joe Biden that he needed instead to pick someone like Maria Schriver and if readers remember, this blog was telling people that Gov. Sarah Palin was going to be the choice of John McCain.
Barack Obama picked an old guy with experience to counter McCain when he needed to pick a woman to counter Sarah Palin.

In Denver, lightning might have struck for Barack Obama, but it is SarahPalin's thunder which is resonating over the land.
It does not matter the condescending elitists now scrambling to make her a "only a wife and mother" as if that is a bad thing or whispering Dan Quayle's name, because that is a debate that is more than open to trounceObama on as Dan Quayle was proven right on everything he spoke of including using Queen's English is tomatoe.

Sarah Palin is important to people who would never be thought of being important in people like Lawrence Sinclair for when she starts the massive erosion on Obama's numbers then the lawsuits he is filing with become major hits. Lawrence Sinclair already had the Delaware syndicate backing off and now with Sarah Palin all sorts of things like Tony Rezko to the Gov. of Illinois in criminal trouble have the opportunity to tell what they really know about Sen. Obama.

This leads into the work of Attorney Phil Berg in his lawsuit exposingBarack Obama's foreign birth. What was not even a whisper can now asBarack Obama's numbers tank be the out for Democrats to dump him and put in a stand in candidate like Al Gore, so Hillary will at least have a party to run with in 2012.
What Sarah Palin has opened the door for is a landslide for the GOP in drawing off 5% of Obama voters at the least which means a 10% spread and that is landslide numbers.

Sarah Palin is America's chance as she can open up Alaskan oil and gas so a secure America can keep it's oil money in America and not funding terrorists. Her presence has the opportunity to not leave Mr. Putin so much additional funding to act out the way he has and her presence has the opportunity to reign in Mr. Brzezinski as in the White House there would be both McCain and Palin children on active duty in combat and not the lawyer type which the Democrats offer.

I know women like Sarah Palin as I live among them and are related to many of the same hard sell types. They have inner strength and do not rattle. In her you have a Westerner like the hardy souls who civilized and settled America and in that Democrats have made the most egregious of mistakes in attacking her on just being a wife and mother from a small town and small state, because if that ticks me off it infuriates the American population.

I had no faith in John McCain and I did not like the guy, but in the past 28 days he has run a brilliant campaign. Choosing Sarah Palin who I knew he would choose while the elites of the press all were picking those weak moderate males was no surprise and was his first choice as President.
Mr. McCain consulted with the other most important woman in this in Cindy McCain who is tough as nails too and they agreed on the choice.

I stated months ago I would much rather Cindy McCain be the McCain on the presidential ticket for the reason she has handled the impossible in John McCain. In Sarah Palin, there is the chance for America coming from it's roots, untainted by the clique and setting a simple agenda of keeping America out of Eurasia by keeping American interests in America.

I will not be saying anything negative about Sarah Palin in this campaign for the reason as I started this commentary with, she is a Mother who knowing she was going to have a downs syndrome baby kept the child carrying her for 9 months and has made the commitment to care for this person for the rest of her life.
Those are the credentials which matter to me and none other. Any woman who can do that is qualified more than a plagiarist in Joe Biden to be the Vice President.

Gov. Palin though has aroused my chivalry even if she does not require it as she can handle what is coming, but this blog by God's grace will now fine tune even more in working to call to attention the bigotry,condescension, racism, hatred and anti Americanism which are the ilk of the Obamanation.

America became a modern nation on a Vice President by the name of Theodore Roosevelt who conserved our parks, reestablished our wildlife, built our military to secure America, instituted Alexander Hamiliton'sbanking system (note TR did not realize that elitists were going to steal the American economy, but like Hamilton was only building a finance system to fund wars if they broke out as Lincoln had and to fund major national projects like the Panama Canal so taxpayers would not be gouged by too high of taxes.) and created the America we know today.

Roosevelt's experience came from the same place Sarah Palin'sexperience comes from in the West. The West makes responsible adults of all who breathe there who care for other people.

Sarah Palin is America's Chance.