The Legacy of KAL007
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It's been 25 years since the Soviets shot down Korean Airlines Flight 007, whose most famous passenger was Congressman Larry McDonald of Georgia. Most notable among unanswered questions remains: Where did all the people go? Bodies were never found and divers found the plane empty. Bert Schlossberg from the International Committee for the Rescue of KAL007 Survivors joins us (www.rescue007.org).
So you've heard the common lore that there's a consensus among scientists about man-made global warming. But what do the statistics show? Hard to find out because the last survey was done in 2003 and there was no consensus then. Dr. Michael Coffman, PhD, (www.warmingdvd.com) joins us to examine the latest studies.
John's boralogue waves a thread that runs from Senator Obama's speech in Berlin through the move towards global citizenship to Congressman Larry McDonald.
The Great Paradigm Shift, Part 2
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As promised, today's program is Part 2 of the Great Paradigm Shift, featuring Warren Brussee, author of "The Second Great Depression." Hopefully we're painting a picture the next 48-60 months to help you navigate through the oncoming financial storms.
Ever wonder why so many pastors seem to be so "wussie?" For the answer we'll dip into the SOS archive grab bag for an interview from 1999 featuring Dr. Leon Podles, author of "The Church Impotent: The Feminization of Christianity."
A lot of people email us to say that capitalism is broken or the cause of the widening gap between rich and poor. John's boralogue shows we no longer have capitalism but rather that we're functioning in a virtual socialist environment, the source of the lion's share of disparities.
The Great Paradigm Shift, Part 1
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The great energy and economic paradigm shift approaches with greater velocity than we originally thought, still targeting a crisis window from 2009-2012. America and the West will look markedly different when they emerge from the other side of the change.
This week and next we'll examine in detail what this means for us individually. Futurist James Kunstler (www.kunstler.com) is the sole guest on this week's program.
With IndyMac Bank failing last week and more waiting to fall, John's extended boralogue chronicles the ongoing subprime mortgage crisis, just the first of a series of crises pushing us into the perfect financial storm.
Understanding the Global Paradigm
Well it's summertime and, as is our custom, we switch to doing longer perspective pieces.
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Despite raging battles between left and right, the vector lines of politics and economics are thrusting us into an entirely new global paradigm, independently of the ongoing fights. Dr. Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D., and Carl Teichrib (www.forcingchange.org) join us for a spirited round table on the progression of globalism and the transformation of the world's governments.
In the light of congress approving the latest FISA bill, John's boralogue analyzes the consequences of the various assaults on the Bill of Rights in the name of the wars on drugs, poverty, the environment and terror.
Saturday, 2 August 2008
The Legacy of KAL007. The Great Paradigm Shift Part 1 & Part 2. Understanding the Global Paradigm.
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Britannia Radio