Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Labour gimmick No.194: e-borders
It seems we will soon be hearing more about the technical solution being devised for the government by the Trusted Borders consortium. Today's Financial Times has a piece about the "e-borders" programme which aims to develop a system that collects and analyses data on everyone who enters and leaves Britain by air, sea and rail and checks...
Posted on The Waendel Journal.CO2 graphs edited by NOAA
There could be a perfectly reasonable explanation for it, but no one knows yet... In the early hours of yesterday, the "Watts Up With That?" blog published a graph from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that showed a trend of reducing CO2 levels at the Mauna Loa observatory. It stood out as being the first time a trend...
Posted on The Waendel Journal.A billion here, a billion there
Soon it starts to add up to real money. Our money. Northern Rock has run up a loss of half a billion pounds in just six months. Only it is not a problem as having been nationalised it cannot go bust because our tax pounds are underwriting its operation. Northern Rock is making a big deal about having paid £9.4bn of our money to the Bank of England…
Posted on The Waendel Journal.Livingstone's abuse of the taxpayer?
More details will be needed explaining the way employment law is being applied to eight members of Ken Livingstone's administration who are on their way out of City Hall in London. But the information already in the public domain begs a number of questions about how they are entitled to pay offs from the taxpayer totalling £1.6m…
Posted on The Waendel Journal.
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Livingstone's abuse of the taxpayer? Labour gimmick No.194: e-borders. A billion here, a billion there.
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Britannia Radio