Monday, August 18, 2008
Now it Can Be Told: Why Carter Betrayed the Shah
Foreign Confidential....
It has long been well known that US President Jimmy Carter betrayed the pro-US Shah of Iran, and sought to curry favor with the Ayatollah Khomeini (a) because he believed Khomeini and his Islamist-led revolution represented the winning side in the struggle to overthrow the modernizing monarch, and (b) because Carter bought the idea of using political Islam to weaken and isolate the Soviet Union--a strategy pushed by Carter's Polish-born, militantly anti-Russian, National Security Advisor, Zbignew Brzezinski.
Not so well known is that Carter also dumped a US ally because of wildly inaccurate--or deliberately falsified--US intelligence reports. The reports said Saudi Arabia was running out of oil. Brzezinski and other administration members persuaded the gullible President that a Khomeini regime would make up for declining Saudi oil sales to the US.Iranian VP Says US is Too Weak to Fight
Foreign Confidential....
Nuclear-arming, Islamist Iran continues to needle the United States, depicting it as a paper tiger or dying hegemon, to use the Chinese term.
Iranian Vice President Mojtaba Samareh Hashemi said Saturday that the US can no longer afford its large overseas military operations because of the failing US economy.
Hashemi made his remarks in Paraguay. He was in the South American nation to attend the Paraguayan president's swearing-in ceremony. He told reporters that the worsening economic situation in the US could not be turned around in a short time, and that its overseas military operations are also increasing pressures on the economy.
With an economic recession looming, Washington will no longer afford to maintain a huge military presence overseas, Hashemi said, and will eventually have to get its soldiers out of Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries.
Hashemi's message was actually aimed at a US audience--part of Iran's intensifying, psychological warfare campaign to weaken US resolve and encourage appeasement in order to discourage an attack on Iran's nuclear and missile sites.
The Iranian official knows his business; the US is riddled with appeasers and Useful Idiots. But Hashemi misses an important point: the US does not have to plunge into a land war or invasion of Iran. Instead, the US can utterly destroy and defeat the monstrous mullahocracy with devastating air attacks, including, if necessary, use of tactical nuclear weapons.
A few well aimed bombs can end the Iranian threat for once and all.
Monday, 18 August 2008
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Britannia Radio