TELEGRAPH Blog 4.8.08 -Bruno Waterfield
No to no, the referendum-free EU
The consensus that there should be no more referendums, Irish or
otherwise, seems to be growing as European Union types shut up shop
for the summer. It has become clearer and clearer following June's
Irish No, along with previous referendums rejections in France and
the Netherlands, that Europe's political establishments can no longer
carry people with them when it comes to the EU.
The latest contribution to the debate on how to proceed after
Ireland's referendum rejection comes from Charles Grant and the
Centre for European Reform, a think-tank with an outlook close to the
Foreign Office. [=europhile ! -cs] Mr Grant's "Three scenarios" are
honest enough to admit that what ever happens - even if the Lisbon
Treaty is buried - the substance will quickly be "salvaged".
In fact, Mr Grant's article would better be called "two scenarios",
as outside a second Irish referendum "yes" (wishful thinking), two of
his three options are essentially the same: "an attempt to salvage
bits and pieces of the Lisbon treaty".
Like Foreign Office mandarins, Mr Grant argues that "the demise of
the Lisbon treaty would not be a catastrophe...But Europeans would
still be much better off with the Lisbon treaty".
True to EU officialdom, British diplomatic and Whitehall form, which
involves doing it all behind the backs of voters, Mr Grant suggests
the following: "EU governments would then try to salvage the few
parts of the Lisbon treaty that could be implemented without its
This means extra justice powers and the creation of an EU diplomatic
service - even without the creation of a European foreign minister.
Before the Irish No, talks (denied by minister in the House of
Commons) proposals were well advanced and could be quickly dusted
off. What can not saved right away can be smuggled in with amending
"Accession Treaty" as early as late 2009 or early 2010, when Croatia
joins the EU.
"The EU governments could use the Croatian accession treaty -
expected in a couple of years - to help their salvage operation. All
accession treaties have to adjust EU voting rules, but they are not
normally put to referendum. At the moment, France and Germany say
they will block further enlargement until the Lisbon treaty is
ratified. But that line would probably change if Croatian accession
offered the chance to save parts of Lisbon. Evidently, the EU could
not credibly use an accession treaty to transfer powers from the
member-states to the EU, for example through more majority voting.
But an accession treaty could introduce the 'double majority' voting
rule and create the new High Representative."
"Such use of an accession treaty would be politically controversial,
and EU leaders would haggle over the contents. But if Lisbon was
dead, they would not want to negotiate a new treaty from scratch, and
they would see the arrival of the Croats as an opportunity."
Plan C - for Croatia - was being discussed in early June, as noted
here on this blog the day the Irish voted: "Ireland, like the rest of
the Europe, does not hold referendums on EU enlargement treaties and
with new protocol opt-outs Dublin may be able to get a new Accession
Treaty past the Irish parliament without another popular vote".
Mr Grant is worth taking seriously. He has previous form. Even before
the EU Constitution fell three years ago, he charted the approach for
the Lisbon Treaty with uncanny precision.
Writing in the European edition of the Financial Times six days
before the French referendum of 2005, Mr Grant predicted a new Treaty
based on cleaning up existing treaties and keeping "key provisions of
the Constitution".
"Most EU governments would wish to avoid further referendums and
would ratify this by parliamentary vote. Eurosceptics would demand
referendums, complaining that arrogant politicians were again
building the EU behind the backs of the people. The governments
should face down such demands, pointing out that the constitutional
treaty and the overwhelming majority of its provisions had been
abandoned. They should explain that the new mini-treaty was about
technical adjustments, to make the EU work better, rather than
transfers of new powers to the EU."
Mr Grant was spot on in May 2005, is he right again in August 2008?
"The response of the EU oligarchy and its political allies to the
Irish people's rejection of the Lisbon Treaty shows that they are
intent on occupying the moral low-ground," writes Frank Furedi, over
on Spiked.
How low can they go?
Wednesday, 6 August 2008
No to no, the referendum-free EU.
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Britannia Radio