Sunday, 10 August 2008

Peter Hitchens

Just when you thought the Blairite monster was dead...
10th August 2008

It is like the end of The War Of The Worlds, when the terrifying, invincible Martian monsters suddenly perish.

The New Labour Monster lies powerless and broken on the ground.

Tiny, unconvincing creatures, like the Euro-fanatic David Miliband, scurry squeaking about the twisted wreckage but they cannot get it to work.

'Euro-fanatic' David Miliband (left) and David Cameron of the 'Useless Tory party'

From beyond the political grave, the sugary voice of Anthony Blair is to be heard claiming that if only he were still in charge, this would never have happened – an idea that could be accepted only by someone suffering from total memory loss about this fraudulent warmonger.

And now, when almost anyone in a suit, and with normal facial features, could lead the Opposition to a smashing triumph, what have we got?

We have the Useless Tory Party, dedicated to the proposition that its only hope of getting into office is to copy the last 11 years of idiocy.

All the logic of the Blair years shows us that what is called ‘the Centre Left’ is bankrupt.

The European Union has been an expensive disaster for this country, ruining swathes of our economy, destroying our independence – and then having the nerve to charge us for it.

Slavish following of American foreign policy has embroiled us in permanent wars from which we gain nothing.

More from Peter Hitchens...

PETER HITCHENS: Rage is no excuse for murder... not even for women02/08/08
PETER HITCHENS: Yes, one day Dave may be PM ... but Lord help us when he fails26/07/08
Your fawning offends Islam Archbishop... not your Christianity19/07/08
Community service for burglars ... murderers will be next12/07/08
Feral schools that reward the F-word...the left's war is nearly won05/07/08
Let him keep the gong... to remind us how we suck up to tyrants28/06/08
Too fat for their jeans, but Labour still think like Trots21/06/08
The Global Constable who's just a pitiful Plod at home...14/06/08

Every promise of 1997 is shown up for the fake it was. The oceans of money have washed through the hospitals and left them crusted in filth and menaced by debt.

The children of the poor cannot spell or count, and leave school clutching wads of certificates they cannot read, destined for lives of dole and drugs.

We are more under the thumb of foreign powers than at any time for 300 years. We are less free, poorer and worse governed. Disorder and crime are uncontrolled.

Nonsensical pledges of permanent economic stability have turned out to be bunk, as they always were.

Yet the Useless Tory Party’s answer is still to continue more or less as they are with a few fashionable tweaks and gimmicks.

Once, this stupid and wrong policy could at least be excused by fear that the New Labour Monster might gird itself and slay the Conservatives once again with its dreaded Blairite death rays and the help of the shameless BBC.

With that fear gone, it is obvious that the Cameroon rabble support the Blairite programme not because they are timid or feeble (though they may well be) but because they are in fact Blairites.

Solzhenitsyn, not Mandela, is the real giant of freedom

Defiant: Alexander Solzhenitsyn fought tyranny with a pen

Alexander Solzhenitsyn was a far greater man than Nelson Mandela.

The wonder is that he was not recognised as such in his own lifetime, and it is only in the future, when our silly fads are buried with us, that our children and grandchildren will see we had a giant among us and were not interested.

Faced with the greatest and most heavily armed tyranny the world has ever seen, one which made even Verwoerd’s foul apartheid South Africa look relatively free and open, Solzhenitsyn defied that despotism with his pen and his voice, and nothing else.

When Western thinkers and writers still sucked up to the Kremlin, Solzhenitsyn suffered labour camps and horrible persecution for telling the truth they preferred to avoid.

The fact that the word Gulag is now known everywhere is thanks to him.

I think he began the mighty landslide that eventually swept away the seemingly impregnable fortress of Soviet power.

Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan had trouble pronouncing his name, but their refusal to compromise with Moscow, and their recognition that the USSR was not just another great power, but a genuinely evil empire, was mainly inspired by him.

He never got the hero-worship he deserved because he embarrassed the ‘thinkers’ of the West, who to the very end continued to make excuses for secret police forces and concentration camps in the service of the Left.

Worse – from their point of view – he was a Christian, a patriot and a conservative, who thought the end of communism should mean more than a tidal wave of trashy rock music, gambling clubs, value-free sex and drugs.

Only a drivelling policeman could call this lucky

We are now much more likely to be savaged by ferals than to win the Lottery (with the added bonus that you don’t even have to buy a ticket to risk being pushed under a train or have your head kicked as if it were a football by a gang of lagered-up, doped-up teens).

So these days, when I hear the words ‘It could be you’, it is of ultra-violence I think.

If this happens to me, I should like to request that the police officers involved in trying (and probably failing) to catch the culprits should refrain from making drivelling pronouncements to the media.

I have in mind particularly the ridiculous copper who spoke after Linda Buchanan was pushed on to a railway track for daring to reprove a couple of militant smokers.

Let us hope those responsible end up in smoke-free Ashworth secure mental hospital, rather than in a normal prison where they will be allowed to smoke and will be addressed respectfully by the warders.

Mrs Buchanan received a broken wrist and came within inches of being fried by an electric rail, not to mention dissected by a train.

She was not in any way fortunate.

Yet this officer declared: ‘She was very lucky she was not more seriously injured.’

Lucky? How is this lucky? Hasn’t this man got any forms to fill in, or a seminar on sex-changes to attend?

Why does he feel the need to communicate these non-thoughts to us anyway?

• Say what you like about ‘dyslexia’ but one thing is beyond doubt. The militant defenders of this dubious diagnosis seem unable to read what its critics actually say. I knew when I mentioned it last week that I would be attacked by people claiming that I had described alleged ‘dyslexia’ sufferers as ‘thick, stupid and lazy’. The attacks duly arrived. But I did no such thing. It has always seemed to me that misrepresenting the arguments of your opponents is a sign not only that you’re losing but also that you know deep inside that you are losing.

• An interesting debate has erupted in the USA about the charming, witty film Wall-E. Is it Left-wing propaganda about saving the planet? Or is it an old-fashioned plea for individual love, courage, and a condemnation of globalist corporate greed? I think it’s a conservative movie, but in any case I urge you to judge for yourselves, safe in the knowledge that it is not fashionably ‘dark’ (i.e. obscenely violent and twisted) and can safely be watched by the young.