Wednesday 27 August 2008



Dr. Eugene Narrett, Ph.D
August 27, 2008

“This cult of the strong State and the moral methods which ensure it…are the preaching of Pragmatism, Nietzschean pragmatism [and] its cult of the powerful State, in the Prussian manner…Our age has seen the priests of the mind preach contempt for any attempt to get free from this cult of servitude.” [1]

Why speak of Madonna and her new world tour, “Sticky and Sweet” recently kicked off at Cardiff, Wales in Great Britain? Why speak of her at all or her “thirty-five hundred articles of clothing” and the fortunes invested in a spectacle of fetishistic chic? It’s not because the show’s visual backdrop associates Adolf Hitler, global warming and John McCain and, as an obverse, links Mahatma Gandhi, Al Gore and Barack Obama in a Rorschach blot rhapsody of the new-old left, stupidities familiar from our official ‘thought-leaders’ whose “mystic pacifism, like mystic militarism may entirely obliterate the sense of justice.”[2]

One examines the spectacle because it’s a stupendous manifestation of modern goddess rapture in its most blatant aspect, made for the masses by the masters who should elevate rather than suppress its humanity. They are those who teach the masses to exalt sensation, “to exalt feeling at the expense of thought,” teaching that is, that human beings are animals and that the latter thus should have “human rights”; who teach us “that all arguments are equally defensible” and thus “permit a tone of calm inhumanity (the Romanticism of Positivism)” to suffuse our culture; who teach that “instinct and not the intelligence knows what we ought to do.”[3] The political biases of the “intellectuals” go along with “the decline of the knowledge of antiquity,” the “prodigious decline in morality” and “intellectual sadism” that floods the media, schools, pews, seats of ‘higher learning’ and geopolitics, a savage selfhood defining a moribund but mighty culture.

It is important to consider the juggernaut of this culture’s ‘Queen of Heaven’ because there is only one nation in the history of the world that has not adored such a being and that nation, source of much of the world’s language, ethics, principles of social and national organization and integrity is the world’s target of choice for extinction. There is thus a remarkable order and logical development in the eulogies for the “Gold Star” Olympics and the blast-off of the rawest postmodern Aphrodite, an Ishtar for the new world Babel in which literacy is displaced by RFID chips and an inventory of primates is arranged for the ministrations of the global imperium.

The imposition of political categories on all people and the endless tutorial in favor of “political systems of arbitrary authority” tarted up with superficial diversity was writ large in coverage of the Olympics at Beijing, an ongoing Culturetainment-fest for the glories of China: “Gold Star” read the giant print over the above-the-fold photo of “Bird’s Nest Stadium” where “the venues were the most imaginative in Olympic history…unequalled for spectacle and efficiency.”[4] How’s that, and this for an over-the-top love-note: “for quality of venues, hospitality and organization these games were unmatched [they] played to rave reviews…after six centuries this was Beijing’s coming out party.”[5] As to “coming out parties,” Madonna, her chorus of muses and maenads and audience communion of acolytes, many of them sported satin top hats shimmering with pink overtones and “pink cowboy hats.” This is the sewer-heaven into which cultural products like “Broke-Back Mountain” ebb, “a mishmash of gangsta rap, Romanian folk, rave and dance,” of spread-legged, black-laced posturing against a black backdrop or straddling an adoring male in a Bentley.[6] And as every Queen has some kind of consort, giant portraits of Mao loomed at the other end of earth’s circumference to the high-stepping exaltation of Madonna, the holy mamma for our days. How apt that Beijing will “hand the five-ringed flag to London” for 2012 by which time all will dutifully bow down and, “in this age of the intellectual organization of political hatreds” tear apart and consume the human sacrifice to bring on “the greater being.”[7] After her elevation, Madonna will offer her rites in London, Paris, Berlin, select North American rapture sites and then conclude in Brazil, destination of more than half of the African slaves brought to the Western Hemisphere. How apt: the cult of servitude is the surrender of mind to rapture so the slave empire is helped to bury the culture of ordered liberty which it accuses of being racist; so much for the replacement of intelligence by rapture and of freedom by arbitrary authority centered on an unreachable but utterly vulgar goddess, on un-teachable, servile and enraptured masses like the audiences at an Obama-fest.

Above the centered color photo of the end of the Olympiad in fountains of silk and fire bursts, was a photo of a severely-smiling Obama applauding an entranced audience; next to it was the story of beatification, “Small college awakened future Senator to service” and above it the day’s leading headline: “Seeking Unity, Obama Confronts Divergent audiences.” The man is brave and after his “multicultural childhood” found “a white working-class smoking buddy.”[8] He is an Olympic hero, a unifier of divergent audiences, a master of group ‘at-one-ment’ like the puppet-masters of Beijing… Just as the press has downplayed the brutal management of human resources by the gamers so has the Clinton campaign chosen, to date, to suppress numerous reports from its field workers of physical intimidation and malfeasance by ‘Obama people.’

As the star of the goddess rises with the Aquarian Age of the “group mind and group at-one-ment” whose payment few will find pleasant, so much must the compassionate father be degraded. Major institutions, professions and images that structure and teach our age focus on humiliating and crushing fathers in the eyes of their children. We live, and die, tortuously of “the new science of degradation that kills people on their knees, confused and disgraced in their own eyes,” who watch their children tormented before them and then are humiliated before them, and know that they see, and be unable to prevent the horror. What is the true dimension of the virtual reality, hypnosis and applied science of degradation of Madonna and Mao, of Obama, Hitler, and Gore and their cult of the State? “Any father who knows that a child is being beaten whom he can’t protect. To someone he loves he cannot fulfill his duty. And for this he knows he will never be forgiven”; that is the reality eclipsed by the illusion.[9] And these words I have been speaking for fifteen years and the writings of many others perhaps come too late, after the children “have ceased to believe in fathers” which is the goal of the filthy rites of the last State, “the State that follows history,” the State that denies truth in order to impose its truth, that defines all justice as situational.[10]

Tortured in this way by the authorities of the world, they “will no longer be fully human; certain sympathies will die” they “will be touched with the contagion” of relativism and arbitrary power and “turned into a creature that believes in nothing.” From the love priestesses of this filthy era, bursting from a demonic pagan past as from a crypt, to the dictators to the treacherous thought-leaders of group at-one-ment borders are being erased, of families, nations, public and private, of humanity itself. Till today “it takes so infinitely little for someone to find himself [pushed] to the other side of the border where everything – love, convictions, faith, history – no longer has any meaning.” Arousal without climax, lust without conception, an “immense vague desire” easily directed is the goal of the masters and mistresses of virtual reality, sex abuse hysteria, the elephonkey and the world state with its queen of heaven, vicarious, enticing and sadistic in the satin realm of the oligarchy. It is “the historic moment when the sexual act is being transformed into ridiculous motions” choreographed by images that are automated, insincere, inhuman and sterile, the desolation of the seed by “the evil kingdom.”[11]

And always the one constant: “the Jews are on the other side of the border,” “outside the circle.”[12] During the Clinton administration, ballistic missile technology found its way to China. China, host to “Dancing Beijing,” to “Hero, Beauty and Spirit,” etc transferred the technology to North Korea to develops missiles whose prototypes are sent to Iran for whom Russia and Germany are building, funding and excusing uranium enrichment capabilities while the State Department counsels more talks and observes a Russian-backed Muslim secession in Georgia; while Iran and Syria ship thousands of missiles to south Lebanon where EU and UN ‘peacekeepers’ look on and America sends its best radar and missile interceptor system to the Negev but bars Israelis from the base, telling them America will decide when and if the intelligence may be accessed for integration with the host’s missile defenses.[13]

Benda would not have like these Olympics with their immersion in the sensate (“red is the color of the sun, of the holy fire…China’s blessing and invitation to the world”); its claim that sporting events are “the stage where heroes are made known and miracles created.” He mourned the passing of “the culture of the human…a great universal empire on spiritual foundations.” He deplored how “the teaching of modern intellectuals shows the triumph of German values.” He quotes Kaiser Wilhelm saying “the historic task of Germany is to prepare European humanity” for German genius. This he terms “the superstition of science” and its related social sciences, “as false [in their pessimism about the human spirit] as the optimism of Rousseau.” The distinguishing feature of the cult of the State, he writes, “is the mystic power that political passions” have developed in this era, now our era of the leader and the goddess; that and “the movement against the Jews,”[14] a poison that has infected America for ninety years at least and is skillfully stirred at many levels.

It also has infected the world via a web of economic unions and “prosperity zones:” as a German economist-philosopher wrote, “let us not forget that the German Empire is in its origin chiefly economic. For us, war is the continuation of our commercial activity in times of peace, with other means but the same methods.” And Benda comments, England has developed (one might say, devolved) by similar means.[15]

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Foreseeing “the greatest and most perfect war ever seen in the world,” Benda uncannily perceived the technical and ideological means for selling not only the exterminations of WW II but subsequent wars of attrition. Although he seems not to have known, at least he does not reference the theories of the Ariosophists about race war against sub-humans and “anthro-zoology” he foresaw “zoological wars…like the life and death wars that occur among rodents and carnivores.”[16] He pinned these developments to exaltation of the passions by the “priests of the mind” and knew that “the spirit of hatred against what is different” would be disguised by a superficial celebration of “difference.”

But these powers and their plans are “like a story-teller losing the thread of his story” and thus the terrors of our day, the effluent of Gothic fantasias and terrors. They believe that “universal peace will come because a new order of things, new science, new economic needs will impose a state of peace on men;”[17] this is the message of those who deny the existence or ability in life to endlessly refine the soul. These are the purveyors of “the cult of success and the contempt for misfortune,” the excrescence of Malthus, Darwin and the eugenicists now hidden by the “zero-tolerance” society of unforgiving technological precision, or claims to such as they break down their own civilization the better to deploy its dominant passion: to rule. This society enables Madonna to create her domineering persona and steal the minds of many while the cult of the State takes them body and soul “in a network of strongly woven doctrines that redouble the strength of the passions,” a network designed “by the so-called liberal professions” serving “the cult of servitude.”


1. Julien Benda, La Trahison des Clercs [“the Treason of the Intellectuals”] (Morrow 1928; Norton 1969, R. Aldington translation), 124 and note ‘N,’ 234, 104. By clercs or “priests of the mind” Benda means scholars, artists, op-ed and editorial writers, academics and clergy attuned to modern materialism and the cult of the State, cf. 45 inter alia. Benda lived from 1867-1956.
2. For the Madonna tour see AP story of 8-23-08 by Joel Ryan, “Madonna kicks off ‘Sticky and Sweet’ Tour in UK.” For “mystic pacifism” see Benda 186-7.
3. Benda,166-77, 150; see also “European Court Agrees to Hear Chimp’s Plea [sic] for Human Rights,” 5-21-08, This is London as discussed in my essay, “Cage Fights on Animal Planet” archived on this site.
4. The Boston Globe C1, C17, “Give China a Gold Star” by John Powers; see caption under front page, centered color photo, “Grand End to the Games” Boston Globe A1, Monday 8-25-08
5. ibid.
6. “Madonna kicks off” op. cit.
7. See a reading of goddess-cult in media and of Euripides The Bacchae in chapters one and four of WW III: the War on the Jews; for “the greater being” at the “orgy-porgy” of the “Solidarity Day Services” see A. Huxley, Brave New World (1931); also see the chant of the young savages in Lord of the Flies.
8. “Seeking Unity, Obama…Small College awakened future Senator to service” by Scott Helman, the Boston Globe, A1, 8-25-08. Chinese characters continued to spatter the sports pages, softening up readers, accustoming them to incomprehension and an incoherent cultural morass.
9. J.M. Coetzee, Waiting for the Barbarians (1980; Penguin 1982), 108, 80-1
10. Coetzee ibid. Benda 57; for “the State that follows history” see Milan Kundera, the Book of Laughter and Forgetting (1978; Harper Perennial 1996), chapter six, sections 1-3, 12-18, p. 215-23, 232-52, passim
11. For erasure of and being pushed across “the border” see Kundera 281, 268, on Daphnis and Chloe, 295 and 215-312 throughout. On regression to pagan origins, “filthy sheep grazing on an islet of withered grass” where sickness and health, grace and horror, laughter and sorrow, intimacy and shame blur together in the sterile ambience and debates of a middle class nudist colony preaching “liberation from the enslaving burden of Judeo-Christian tradition”; all people become personae in a dream of primitive lust, ibid. 293-312
12. ibid. 310-11
13. Debkafile at August 24, 2008; 8-22-08’ the subjection of Israel to a NATO base continues with its ruling undertakers explaining away the geo-strategic moves of American administrations. It is like the refusal to share the IFF codes with Israel in 1990-1 so it could not interdict the missiles showered on it, to emphasize its dependency and humiliation.
14. Benda op. cit. 101, 104, 118, 175, 242, 23, 28, 84, 96, 58: “the nationalist intellectual is essentially a German invention.” 54-5 note 3; 38-9 note 2
15. Benda 25, note 1 quoting Naumann, Central Europe
16. ibid. 183-4
17. ibid. 143, 186 and note 1; Benda several times refers to Houston Chamberlain, e.g. 133; the quote that closes the essay is from Benda 26, 24 and 124. The closing lines of the “Dancing Beijing” pr resemble an Obama commercial: “come and let us together weave a peaceful and wonderful dream” forgetting in the haze of athletic “miracles” the millions, or billions, who are swept “outside the circle” to create the spectacle of “holy fire,” the “graceful curves of the body of a wriggling dragon.” To this our priests of mind coyly award the “Gold Star” and a transvaluation of values. Pharaoh was the prototype of “the great dragon” but now the emblem has been transposed into heroism and “a dream of holy fire.”

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Eugene Narrett received his BA, MA and PhD from Columbia University in NYC. His writings on American politics and culture and on the Middle East and geopolitics have been widely published. These include four books, the most recent being WW III: the War on the Jews and the Rise of the World Security State (2007) which examines the historical roots and purposes of the war on terror as a late stage in the undoing of the West. His previous book, Israel and the Endtimes (2006) lays the basis for these questions.

Dr. Narrett has appeared on scores of radio programs, both major networks like WABC, Radio America, Eagle Forum Radio and Westwood Communications, as well as regional and local stations. He has been honored for his essays on art and literature and on behalf of the pro-life movement.

Since receiving his doctorate in 1978, Dr. Narrett has been teaching literature and art and creating interdisciplinary courses in the Humanities. He lectures on a variety of topics relating to western civilization, geopolitics and the multi-faceted war on the family that is a striking feature of the postmodern west.

See his web site, for information on booking a lecture and for contact information.


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