"Soviet Collapse" Revisited
As I write, Senator Hussein must confront the recent assertion in federal court by Philadelphia attorney Philip Berg, a Democrat official, that he is not a natural born citizen. Attorney Berg says he has the documents to prove that Hussein was born in Kenya, not Hawaii, and therefore is not eligible to be President. Berg’s web site is obamacrimes.com. Go there and decide for yourself. If Hussein survives, we shall have much more to say about Zbig Brother........
by Alan Stang
Clueless Cops Crush Constitution
A June 8 murder of two young people in rural Waleetka has provided the excuse for the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) to behave as if the Bill of Rights is an impediment to be overcome in order to employ effective police procedures. In their search for the killer, the OSBI sent a letter to some sixty owners of .40 caliber handguns (the same caliber as used by the murderer) in the community where the victims had lived. The letter "invited" the owners to bring the guns in for testing........
by Larry Pratt
Government by Traitors and Cowards
Elected and appointed officials at all levels of government are Traitors or Cowards who positively refuse to obey the Constitution and laws of the United States of America taking their orders from the large corporations rather than the people. Government employees who attempt to serve the people are branded as whistleblowers and persecuted. Government employees who protect the people are framed and jailed when they interfere with the profitable flow of drugs and slave labor.........
by Andrew Wallace
Government Must Get Out of Energy Achievement
Regardless of who ends up President, Dr. Art Robinson is right when he states that technology, inventors and anyone who could help solve our energy needs and problems is held captive. They can’t do business, develop or perform the way we need them to because of 3 things…. regulation, taxation and litigation. Government is simply in the way of our progress........
by Laurie Roth
Friday, 29 August 2008
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Britannia Radio