David Icke
The network operates on many levels to orchestrate the outcome of the ‘debates’ it seeks to win and policies it is determined to impose. One of the keys to this is to have establishment figures leading the opposition to your establishment agenda and thus control the outcome, even if they don’t even realise themselves that this is the case.
In Sharmi Chakrabarti, the head of of the civil rights organisation, Liberty, they have just such an establishment figure, a former government barrister, governor and member of Round Table groups like the Ditchley Foundation, who interacts through many forums with the very people who want anything, but liberty for the people of Britain and the wider world.
I don’t claim for a moment that she knows what is going on or how she is being used to limit the scale of the Big Brother ‘debate’ and I don’t doubt that she is against surveillance cameras and the denial of many civil liberties.
I am equally sure that she would never see herself as an ‘establishment figure’, but from where I am sitting that’s exactly what she is and if the British people leave the protection of their civil liberties to her and her organisation they are going to be deeply disappointed.
It is the same with official civil liberties organisations in the United States and elsewhere because they won’t touch the wider conspiracy, either. The Shami Chakrabarti of the United States is Nadine Strossen, a law professor, who became the youngest and first woman president of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in 1991.
Professor Strossen is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and replaced the previous ACLU president, Norman Dorsen ... a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
The same web turns up everywhere across the whole spectrum of what is called ‘public life’ and what I am describing here is just one tiny expression of its reach and influence. Most people involved with these organisations don’t even know how they are being influenced or kept under observation by the Round Table ‘think tanks’.
It’s time they did.
Friday, 1 August 2008
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Britannia Radio