By Laura Clark
Last updated at 8:56 AM on 09th August 2008
A teenager who scored four As in her A-levels a year early even though
she went to a sink school fears that she has missed out on a
university place simply because her parents have degrees.
Erica Fidorra had set her heart on studying medicine at Sheffield
University, after growing up there.
She did work experience in hospitals, GPs surgeries and nursing homes,
to make her application stand out.
Erica Fidorra
Erica Fidorra: She had her heart set on studying medicine
Erica believed she had done everything possible to meet the admissions
requirements for medical school, but was turned down.
After fruitless attempts to get the decision reviewed, Erica, who
achieved As in chemistry, biology, law and business studies at 17,
resorted to the Freedom of Information Act to find out more about the
admissions procedures of which she fell foul.
The university revealed it had made conditional offers of ABB and AAB
to some applicants for places in medicine - several grades short of
her own.
* Record A-level passes expected within days 'could force
universities to overlook results'
And for those candidates whose families have no tradition of going to
university, entry requirements in a medical aptitude test had been
dropped up to 30 per cent.
Erica, now 18, gained 1,950 marks in this UKCAT admissions test, being
used by the university for the first time. It tests skills such as
decision making for medicine candidates.
Tutors said that 'standard' A-level applicants needed 2,000 marks to
be considered for an interview.
But through a scheme for the ' educationally disadvantaged'
those whose parents did not go to university, offers were given to
some applicants who they scored 1390 to 1970.
Applicants through a second initiative, the Sheffield Outreach and
Access to Medicine Scheme, were given offers on scores of 1,570 to 2,190.
Erica wasn't eligible. 'The feedback I got from college was that I
wouldn't be accepted because my parents had been to university,' she said.
So, she had to apply through standard channels - but didn't meet the
2,000-mark target.
Her case is likely to raise fresh questions over the extent of 'social
engineering' in universities.
Erica said: 'If the UKCAT is an aptitude test and a chance for those
who have not have had academic support at home to prove themselves,
why was the threshold lowered? It makes A-levels seem trivial.'
Erica went to the City School, which was put on notice to improve or
face closure. She achieved ten GCSEs at A or A*. It was judged failing
after Erica left to study for A-levels at a college. It is now
Her father, Erich, who has a degree from Nottingham Trent University,
is a law lecturer. His wife is educated to degree level.
Mr Fidorra believes university admissions are 'worse than a lottery'.
'I want to see kids with little support helped as much as possible but
if we live in a meritocracy we still have to help those who are able
to fulfil their potential,' he added.
The university said: 'We are confident that our applicants are
considered fairly and consistently, and in accordance with stated
• The A-level gender gap has grown under Labour with girls making up
55 per cent of entrants, according to the Tories.
Analysis shows 6,624 more girls are doing A-levels than in 1997 -
compared with 709 more boys. A decade ago, girls accounted for 53 per
cent of candidates.
The Tory figures follow a report from the Bow Group think-tank, which
has links to the party.
Sunday, 10 August 2008
Straight-A student rejected from university 'because both her parents
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Britannia Radio