Thursday, August 28, 2008
Not Blowing in the Wind
Dateline USA....
MSNBC insiders say upper management is furious over the network's clownish coverage of the Democratic National Convention.
The main complaint: the incredibly stupid and amateurish decision to keep the anchors and chief commentators outside, subjecting aging personalities, like Chris Matthews and Pat Buchanan to the humiliation of coping with blown hair (and comb-overs) and disorienting street noises--from belching exhaust pipes to screeching train whistles.
None of which seems to phase the over-the-top anchor, Keith Olbermann. Night after night, his tightly glued toupee resists the wind.
A photo of him without his wig appears above as a public service.Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Iranian Propaganda Says US Too Weak to Attack
Foreign Confidential....
Iran is spreading the story that the United States is incapable of attacking the Islamist nation without suffering huge losses at US bases across the Middle East--and the destruction of Tel Aviv and other Israeli population centers.
The Iranian line, as advanced by Tehran's diplomats and official journalists, is that the US lacks the air power to knock out Iran's nuclear and missile sites, and will have to commit ground forces, which it can't afford to do for two reasons: (1) the US military is stretched too thin as a result of Iraq and Afghanistan, and (2) the military will "rebel" and refuse to follow orders.
Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is said to be personally involved in directing the disinformation campaign.
Appeasement-minded European diplomats, government officials, and journalists are lapping up the Iranian story, which, conveniently overlooks the fact that the US--and Israel--could use tactical nuclear weapons to wipe out Iran's war-making capabilities and infrastructure.
And the notion of a possible rebellion, or mutiny, by senior US military officers is too fantastic to be credible--while resonating with the region's coup-and-conspiracy culture.
Still, a nagging question remains: absent using nuclear weapons, and setting aside CNNrules of engagement, which would essentially cripple the US and prevent it from blasting away as needed, does the Pentagon have enough bombers and missiles to swiftly and decisively end the Iranian threat for once and all without putting boots on the ground, except, perhaps, for special operations forces who may be needed for targeting and commando missions?
The answer better be a clear and unequivocal yes after all the money that has been spent on the US defense budget--some $500 billion a year, not including the Iraq war--or the country is in greater danger than its citizens and friends have been led to believe.
VIDEO POSTSCRIPT: Click below to screen the new McCain campaign ad about Barack Obama and Iran.
Thursday, 28 August 2008
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Britannia Radio