To all visitors of Britannia Radio and the Britannia Radio Blog Spot. The site has been providing a continually updated, seven day a week service for the past 12 months on a totally voluntary basis. During this period there have been regular requests for support by way of donations, articles and research. Britannia Radio is the only UK site collating information on matters of geo-politics, religion, health, environment and a historical background to current events. As you have been regularly informed in my News Reviews, I alone provide the work-load involved in supplying the volume of articles and interviews, which takes up the majority of my time. Sadly, it has become increasingly apparent by the total lack of support forthcoming from our members and visitors that the ‘message’ and ‘early warning service’ we are offering is neither valued nor appreciated and at seventy years of age, I am unable to continue dedicating myself on a full time basis for an indefinite length of time, without help and financial donations. Unfortunately, I have come to the decision, that I will only continue to provide the present service until September 14th 2008, by which time, if there are still no offers of support, I will be vastly reducing the time I spend on the site; thus only providing a fraction of the present quantity of articles, interviews and content. It has been my dearest wish that Britannia Radio would develop into a live station, giving YOU a ‘voice’ in the difficult times unfolding. However, this cannot happen from my efforts alone but will also take your help and support. So, if you would like to see Britannia Radio continue and expand, please start to make your contributions as soon as possible via the ‘Make a Donation’ tab on our main site at, contact us to offer your help at and recommend the site to increase our visitors. Thank you, Harold Hoffman
Friday, 15 August 2008
Harold Hoffman Weekly News Review.
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Britannia Radio