Here is part of an article by Taki in the `Spectator' which is well
worth reading:
Tough justice
And lest we forget, now that Karadzic has been arrested, lest we
celebrate too much, that is, our moral compass has been so deadened by
propaganda and PC, we seem to ignore the killers who incinerate people
from 15,000ft à la Clinton and Bush, but concentrate on killers like
Karadzic who the bureaucrooks in the Hague and Brussels decided was a
bad guy, whereas the Croats and Bosnian Muslims are good.
Last April a man considered a cold-blooded murderer by the Serbs and the
Greeks alike, Ramush Haradinaj, a former leader of the Kosovo Liberation
Army, was acquitted of charges of ethnic cleansing, including rape,
murder and torture, sparking outrage in Serbia and among those who are
familiar with that tortured part of Europe. The Hague war crimes court,
in my not so humble opinion, is as kangaroo as it gets, and it can hold
its head up high next to any kangaroo court that Africa can come up
with. The kangaroo one that will try Karadzic will come up with not a
single shred of evidence that he ordered the massacres of Muslims, as it
didn't in the case of Milosevic, but, if he does not die of a heart
attack, he will be found guilty after closed sessions of the so-called
judges. We have crybabies like one Roger Cohen beating his chest about
what he and other hacks went through in Sarajevo, but the name of
Celebici, where Muslims tortured and murdered Serbs, has never
registered in his tiny American brain. (Cohen, a jerk of immense
proportions, keeps calling for Turkey to join the EU. Then he will
retire to Miami, or some place like it, and leave us with 80 million
Muslims in our midst.)
Full story:
Sean Gabb
Director, The Libertarian Alliance
Tel: 07956 472 199
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Saturday, 9 August 2008
Tough justice
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Britannia Radio