Turkey's planned ratification of Rome Statute stirs debate
Today's Zaman - Istanbul,Turkey
The ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) released a long-awaited EU reform package called the Third National Program, which suggests changes to ...
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Call for change as roof caves in
Rochdale Online - Rochdale,England,UK
A treaty agreed by all 27 EU governments states they are required to meet 12 times a year in Strasbourg — a procedure said to cost more than £120million ...
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UKIP's policy for better government
By An Englishman In The Colonies(An Englishman In The Colonies)
The EU is undermining the UK, and the two are incompatible. UKIP strongly supports the British Union. "Devolution isn't working. The SNP with their bogus independence claims are running rings round Labour. It's time for radical reform ...
The English Voice Abroad - http://englandabroad.blogspot.com/
Russia: History and humiliation
By nosemonkey
And yet now, despite the failures of the 1990s, the West is demanding that Russia return to that self-same path of neoliberal reform. We’re still saying the same things that we were in ‘89, in ‘91, in ‘93 and in ‘98. And all the while, ...
Nosemonkey's EUtopia - http://www.jcm.org.uk/blog
Occupied Palestine: News and Articles August 20 2008
By dannyd(The Peoples Voice)
Slideshow:Israel has objected to the release, seen as a development that could upset relations between the two Mideast neighbors who keep cordial ties since a 1994 peace treaty. The four were found guilty in 1990 of killing IDF soldiers ...
The Palestinian Times - http://palestiniantimes.blogspot.com/
By admin
That same month, the United States designated Morocco a major non-North Atlantic Treaty Organization ally in recognition of its efforts to thwart international terrorism. On January 1, 2006, a comprehensive bilateral free trade ...
Free clipvideo download - http://playvideoclip.net
By GrEaT sAtAn'S gIrLfRiEnD(GrEaT sAtAn'S gIrLfRiEnD)
Here’s the abrogation of the Antiballistic Missile Treaty, and the American decision to place missile defenses in neighboring countries. Here’s the unending expansion of NATO. All of these moves have been set against the backdrop of ...
GrEaT sAtAn"S gIrLfRiEnD - http://greatsatansgirlfriend.blogspot.com/