We Are Beginning to Move The Rock of Freedom Uphill
First, it's a fact that since the hated Democrats gained control of Congress two years ago, we have lost very few battles - and won a bunch. That's partly because now, many Republicans are actually acting like Republicans again, blocking big government programs and working to keep spending down. Apparently the Republican Party's real purpose in life is to oppose the Democrats - no matter what side of an issue they must take........
by Tom DeWeese
The American Bar Association Goes Over to the Dark Side
The domestic violence industry is one of the most corrupt and unaccountable enterprises in modern-day America. Every year it sucks over $1 billion from the federal treasury and ships the money to a variety of radical feminist organizations dedicated to revamping the family unit.......
by Carey Roberts
Headlines, Sound Bites and Bumper Stickers
Most folks are in too big a hurry to learn all the details these days. People want facts condensed into fragments of information, believing that a bullet comment, headline, sound bite, blog posting or bumper sticker can take the place of thorough research, careful analysis and in-depth study.........
by RC Murray
I'm Done Now
When I started writing this column a while back, I thought it’d be good for a few laughs, and every now and then something would be added to the political debate that wonks and readers are supposed to engage in........
by WR Marshall
Have the News Headlines Gone Psycho?
This last week we saw the horrifying news regarding the decision of the 5th circuit court of appeals against Agent Ramos and Compean, once again showing that justice isn’t always served in a court of law, nor does common sense prevail in many cases. At least we have some sane politicians in congress who see the insanity of this case and that these Agents were even arrested, like Rep. Duncan Hunter........
by Laurie Roth
Sunday, 3 August 2008
We Are Beginning to Move The Rock of Freedom Uphill. Headlines, Sound Bites and Bumper Stick The American Bar Association Goes Over to the Dark Side.
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Britannia Radio