We Have Had Enough of False Prophets
As a result, many in the Charismatic church are furious with them -- but it’s too late. The damage is already done and cannot be undone. What’s worse, thousands of people believed there was a “revival” going on and traveled from all over the globe to be a part of it. Some went hoping to be healed. They weren’t. Now they realize they were duped and have fallen into despair. People are wondering if.......
by Marsha West
Media Misreports Study: Stepdads Better Than Dads?
Conventional wisdom says that biological fathers are more committed to their children than stepfathers are to their stepchildren. While media accounts of the study claim that research contradicts this wisdom, a closer look at the study shows that this simply isn’t true. Moreover, the study’s misconstrued findings could have a harmful impact on family law and child custody cases........
by Glenn Sacks & Mike McCormick
The Colonias Gateway Initiative Act
This begs the question; what is John McCain’s definition of secured? His answers seem rather vague. How about some specifics, Senator? I think a follow-up statement is required which would explain his intentions for the twenty or so million illegal aliens, including Visa overstays, now in our country. What do you intend to do about them Senator? This is a simple but loaded question, which is precisely the reason it is never asked........
by CJ Graham
Those Were the Days, My Friend
In the 1985 Oregon legislative session came the attack on the Founding Fathers. Thirty words: No textbooks shall be used in the schools which speaks lightingly of the Founders of the Republic or of those who preserve the union or which belittles or undervalues their work (HB 2663) were removed from Oregon law. In the 1987 legislature they attempted to eliminate all references in the law to “men.” All gender references were to become “persons.” Next to go was Presidents Washington and Lincoln birthdays which morphed into President’s Day.......
by Betty Freauf
Sunday, 31 August 2008
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Britannia Radio