Who's Guiding the Olympic Vision?
The history of the Olympics takes us back to about 776 B.C. -- the apparent birth of the original Greek games -- when superstitious mortals worshipped ancient gods on Mount Olympus. This extended family of promiscuous deities was ruled by Zeus and birthed by Gaea (Gaia), supposedly the mother goddess of all.......
by Berit Kjos
Boss Tweed Pelosi Shuts off the Lights on the Energy Debate
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s finest moment was the day she was elected as Speaker of the House. That’s when she curled her fist and flexed her right bicep, he-man style, promising to institute “the most ethical Congress in history” after all those years of testosterone-addled, business-as-usual in the U.S. Congress........
by Carey Roberts
Focus on the Family Education
In a recent broadcast July 16th, 2008 Focus on the Family sought to answer the question, “Why are we losing our kids?” Studies show up to 3 out of 4 teenagers are walking away from the faith after the high school and college years, in some denominations it is high as 90 percent. At that rate the church will disappear in a few generations........
by Nicholas Jackson
Noah Floated his Whole Stock
I endeavored to show in the article how sin began and its consequences. Our entire world today seems to be on a similar collision course due to unrepentant sin. In Noah’s day when the entire world was in liquidation, he floated his whole stock and started over but right after the water subsided and Noah came out of the Ark for a breath of fresh air, he failed miserably. He got drunk. He must have packed a little wine onto that Ark for medicinal purposes. And God promised never to destroy civilization with water again and placed the rainbow in the sky to remind us of His promise........
by Betty Freauf
Saturday, 9 August 2008
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Britannia Radio