Note: I cannot vouch for the bona fides of this information, which I
received as an attached email, but it sounds entirely feasible if polls look
tight between Obama and McCain. DRG
["-------- Original Message -------
Let me share some info with you that I have gotten from excellent sources
within the DNC:
ticket, citing health problems, and he will be replaced by Hillary.
personal email lists as is possible.
Probably many of you have heard the same rumblings.
of this Obama maneuver, spell it out in detail, and thereby expose it for
the grand manipulation that it is.
So, let's start mixing this one up and cut the Obamaites off at the pass -
send this info out to as many people as you can - post about it on websites
and blogs - etc etc
If this is exposed before it comes about - we can beat Obama at his own
xxxxxxxxxxxxx cr