Bail outs, timing: who knew what when?
Fifteen years ago today, my Project on Winning Economic Reform delivered 1,720,000 signatures to the U.S. Congress to abolish the privately owned Federal Reserve Banking System and the IRS. During the rally, we collected just under 24,000 more signatures, which were all delivered to every member of the House and Senate. Some 4400 Americans gathered to tell Washington, DC, we the people demand a return to an honesty monetary system and stop the stealing of the fruits of our labor for the benefit of the powerful banking cartel........
by Devvy Kidd
A Nation in Crisis
An inimical indoctrination of the people of this nation begins in the public schools where the ungodly elements of communism, sexual perversion, deviancy, false doctrines and a rejection of Biblical tenants are instilled in young minds and taught as gospel by an autocracy of Marxist persuasion. An open-minded and healthy examination of social issues is disallowed and a narrow subjective and politically correct curriculum is rigidly enforced........
by Sheriff Jim Schwiesow, Ret.
E-Verify and the Surveillance State
Chief among the schemes to "get tough" with business is the universal enforcement of something called the E-Verify System. It is the brainchild of the Department of Homeland Security and is an electronic employment verification (EEV) program. Essentially, E-Verify uses the Social Security databases to verify Social Security Numbers to determine if someone is a US citizen. Employers are to simply enter in the applicants Social Security Number to verify they are an American citizen (of legal status) and therefore eligible for employment.......
by Tom DeWeese
Demise of America
Can you hear the clock ticking on the demise of America? Yes, Congress expects to pass a package bailout deal to save all those bankers, realtors and lenders from their dirty deals for the past 15 years. They might as well tighten a tourniquet around America’s arm while her legs fall off. A reader said, “I admire your efforts, and I admire your passion. I hate to say it, but I think the cause is lost. I don't say it because I think the causes you push are unjust. Far from it. I say it because the globalists have done their work very well........
by Frosty Wooldridge
Monday, 29 September 2008
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Britannia Radio