Betting Israel Won't Go Nuclear, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah Planning to End the Jewish State

Iran, Hezbollah, and Syria are preparing for all-out war with Israel and the United States.
The Islamist-Arab Axis of Evil expects war to break out before the end of the year as intelligence agencies have confirmed that Iran (a) is using its civilian nuclear power and space programs as covers to develop nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles, and (b) has every intention of continuing the controversial programs, even if that means being attacked by the US and Israel.
Efforts to lure Syria from its alliance with Iran have failed. Damascus intends to fight. It is cooperating with Iran's Revolutionary Guard, which has already assumed command and control of Hezbollah's huge missile arsenal.
Iran is making no secret of its plans to "burn Tel Aviv" by bombarding it with missiles, betting that the US and world opinion will restrain Israel from retaliating with nuclear weapons capable of obliterating the Islamist menace.
In a sense, the nuclear program is itself a cover and a trap: Iran's maniac-in-chief, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, believes that Iran and its allies--including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which are planning rocket attacks of their own as well as terrorist attacks in Jerusalem and a major insurrection in the Galilee--are poised to annihilate the Jewish state, and that the time for war has come.
Ahmadinejad also believes that the US is vulnerable. Terrorist attacks--including seagoing missile attacks from seemingly civilian, foreign-flagged cargo ships--are certainly being planned in Tehran.
On Thursday, Iran's official news agency, IRNA, quoted a senior Iranian official as saying Iran will strike US interests around the world and Israel if attacked over its nuclear program.
"Nowhere would be safe for America with (Iran's) long-range missiles ... we can fire tens of thousands of missiles every day," said Mohammad Baqer Zolghadr, the deputy interior minister in security affairs. "With long-range missiles Iran can also threaten Israel as America's ally."
Iran says its Shahab-3 missile with a range of 1,250 miles (2,000 km) is capable of hitting Israel and US bases in the Persian Gulf.
EDITOR'S COMMENT: Instead of wasting precious time talking about sanctions and diplomacy, Israel should let Iran know in no uncertain terms that the Jewish state will use nuclear weapons to defend itself should its cities come under missile attack. Israel has a new generation of low-yield, tactical nuclear weapons that can be used to wipe out Iran's known and suspected nuclear, missile, chemical and biological warfare installations--and the Revolutionary Guard units that command the Iranian arsenals. There is no reason to pull punches or hesitate; in fact, the immediate threat posed by Iranian-Arab missiles demands use of tactical nuclear weapons.
Israel was founded to solve the problem of Jewish political homelessness--to serve as a refuge and haven for the Jewish people and a center for national rebirth--not to needlessly risk and sacrifice Jewish lives in the interest of appealing to world opinion. Notwithstanding their political and ideological differences, David Ben Gurion and Menahem Begin would both know what to do....
Rosh Betar would know what to do about Islamist Iran. This month, there will be memorial observances the world over for Ze'ev Vladimir Jabotinsky, the great Zionist leader, writer, orator, journalist and soldier. He created Betar, a youth movement that inspired Jewish pride and dignity. He also founded The Jewish Legion, which revived in the Jewish People its military tradition dormant for 1800 years. Tel Hai....