Labels: PRO OBAMA AT ALL COSTS. Comments: 20 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Hugh # "Her speech to the Republican Convention was a Roman triumph: there's no doubt about that," says the Today's Jim Naughtie on his blog this morning. And there's more: "It reminded me of Norman Tebbit or Michael Heseltine or Tony Benn at their height..." he goes on. Surely there can be no greater praise than to be compared to Tony Benn? There was some doubt yesterday, though, when Naughtie didn't seem so keen, and you do wonder whether the concillitory tone has anything to do with criticism such as this Mail piece or its editorial. The latter suggests "the BBC, despite its supposed obligation to report the news impartially, seems to find Mrs Palin a little hard to digest" and points to the contrast of its coverage with the "almost religious reverence with which the BBC covered Barack Obama at the Democratic Convention last week". This is the second day in a row the Mail has run with an accusation of bias against the Today programme. I'm not sure that yesterday it found the most deserving target with its complaint against Evan Davis (below). With Naughtie, though, I'd say it's bang on. Thanks to those in the comments who flagged up the Mail piece. Comments: 9 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Thursday, September 04, 2008 Labels: open thread Comments: 86 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Hugh # I've hesitated to write about this, because I actually quite like Evan Davis. It has attracted a fair amount of comment and criticism, though. And I don't think it's entirely unfair. Davis says he was just attacking the reporting, not defending Darling, but since the reports were attacking the Chancellor it amounts to the same thing. More to the point, as the Guardian mentions, the BBC has clamped down on their staff's ability to write comment pieces elsewhere in recent years. Given the continual stream of opinion coming from their BBC-hosted blogs, what was the point?Biased BBC Friday, September 05, 2008
David Vance #WHAT A DIFFERENCE A WEEK MAKES...OK, I know I have focused on the BBC coverage of the RNC a lot this week but that's because I think it has shown BBC bias in all its repulsive glory. So I wanted to finish this week with the coverage of John McCain's speech last night on Today this morning and contrast it with that of Obama last week on the same programme. You'll not be surprised to discover that when Obama spoke last week the BBC drooled over it, to the point of hysteria, giving it lead story significance. Today, ah well that's a different story. Yes, they DO cover McCain, just after we got to hear from a trade unionist urging Labour to punish big business and just after we heard an update on that all critical Angolan general election. And when we DID first get to hear, Naughtie chose to ask two young republicans about Obama. Wonderful stuff from the BBC. They must have nightmares that the McCain/Palin ticket is going to beat their boy Obama and we can be certain that between now and November they wil use every opportunity to dampen down any enthusiasm for the GOP candidates. Last night, on Newsnight, I caught a vox pop they set up asking if Sarah Palin's fantastic speech had swayed swing voters/Hillary voters to consider voting Republican. Unsurprisingly the overwhelming majority said NO - they were with Obama. So at EVERY turn, the BBC will be there to undermine one party and support another and THAT, my friends, is the sickening bias that we are asked to fund.
Hugh #
Friday, 5 September 2008
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Britannia Radio