Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Laban #
"A honky bitch from Alaska"
When you hear a sub-Mockney accent attacking a politician from the left on Radio Four, you'll usually find it's a comedy show featuring several privately educated left-wing comedians who met at university. For some reason, privately educated left-wingers appearing on the Today programme are allowed to keep their middle-class accents.
I think this is Marcus Brigstocke on Radio Four's "Charm Offensive". They got half the name right. Brigstocke :
This phrase, 'you can put lipstick on a pig' has been used by Obama before, and by McCain talking about Hillary Clinton - it's been wilfully misinterpreted - and they deliberately do this, you know, Fox news and lots of the right-wing press in America deliberately misinterpret stuff that the Democrats have said - I mean he also said in that speech "You can nominate Sarah Palin but she'll still be a honky bitch from Alaska" (laughter) - and they just grab that ... (laughter)
Iannucci :
"It's just another phrase for hockey mom"
Labels: comedy.
Comments: 1 (unread) - Biased BBC Home
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
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Britannia Radio