Today is going to be a key BBC day for promoting PM Gordon Brown as the only man who can help lead us out of the economic turbulence that, erm, he has led us into! I was entertained to hear a BBC reporter on the Labour conference declare this morning around 6.25am that the speech would be "solid and serious - just Gordon" Pass the sickbag but I this find of fawning over Brown nauseating. Since when did it become the role of a reporter to editorialise subjectively in this way? Where is the evidence to say Brown is in anyway "solid and serious"? The bias just oozes out of the BBC - they cannot help it and they will not stop it. That's why only thetotal removal of the license tax can deal with the problem we face with this aberrant and most biased broadcaster. Labels: save gordon Comments: 15 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Hugh # Labels: open thread Comments: 10 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # It's just bias that makes the BBC dangerous, it is the fact that the BBC quite happily promulgates ideas that undermine the very fundamentals of our British society, such as the law. Take this remarkable item, picked by B-BBC reader Miv Tucker on another thread, that British common law may owe much to Sharia law! Or at least that is what BBC reporter Mukul Devichand contemplates but then again he may be a tad biased? Those who press for the acceptance of Sharia in the UK can use this sort of programme to advance their cause and yet given the barbarity of Sharia, given the essential undemocratic nature of Sharia - isn't it revolting to see the State Broadcaster use our cash to churn out this pro-Islamic drivel? Comments: 7 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Hugh # That's the question being asked about the Newsnight economics editor over at Harry's Place. I genuinely don’t know, is the rather worrying answer. The post continues: What I do know is that last month, he took part in a meeting staged by the SWP front organisation “People Before Profit” alongside “SWP/Left Alternative supporter”, Graham Turner. His book was launched at the SWP bookshop. He spoke at the SWP conference in 2007. It also notes that a lot of people - particularly on the left - supported extreme or silly causes in their youth, but as we've flagged up Mason is still quoting Che Guevara in middle age. And, as it says, the SWP is hardly harmless fun: the past ten years [it] has devoted its energies to promoting speakers from Hamas and Hezbollah, lying about their genocidal racism, and promoting the viciously antisemitic Gilad Atzmon. I do not think that a BBC journalist would participate in three events organised by the BNP or BNP front organisations. I am suprised that Newsnight’s Economic editor - of all things! - feels comfortable participating in SWP events. I agree - well, apart from the bit about being surprised. Comments: 1 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Monday, September 22, 2008 The BBC report on the 10 0 Clock news concerning the Labour Party conference today is very interesting. The shrill calls from the comrades to nationalise, to tax and to punish capitalism further was reported with ill disguised glee and I note that new face on the block Robert Peston is very keen to advance the notion that changing economic conditions play into Gordon Brown's court, which is verging on the surreal. There seems to be a political notion abroad amingst the media that only imposed socialism can save us from the perils of capitalism and the BBC is to the fore in subtly promoting this. Labels: anti-business Comments: 9 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # I see that the BBC has determined that the savages behind the mass murder attack in Islamabad are "militants" Now I don't know about you but I would have thought that the brutal homicidal car bombing of a tourist hotel rather qualified as an act of unmitigated terror which would in turn make the culprits..terrorists. Then again, I also note that the Islamic terrorist scum behind this were able to get in contact with the BBC to explain that the aim behind the mass murder was "to stop America interference in Pakistan" The BBC - the terrorists preferred broadcaster of repute. Labels: appeasement, pro terrorist Comments: 22 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # The spiteful anti-American narrative that pervades much of the BBC's political output (excepting when it comes to coverage of the Chosen One, naturally) was evident in the item on the horrendous Jihadist bombing that has taken place in Islamabad on Today this morning at 7.09am. Dr Farzana Shaikh, from the "foreign affairs think tank" Chatham House (No hint of any bias there, right?) was quick to lay the blame for the Marriot Hotel bombing where it truly belonged - namely the United States. The bottom line, she pointed out, is that the US needs to back off putting pressure on Pakistan and in directly ugoing after the Taliban/Al Queda. Criticism of the Islamist bombers was perfunctory as the time given was used to bash the real evil out there - the United States. Labels: anti-AmericanBiased BBC Tuesday, September 23, 2008
David Vance #
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
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Britannia Radio