Ron Paul Calls on Voters to Support Third Party Candidates
Rep. Ron Paul, the libertarian-leaning congressman from Texas and recent candidate for the GOP presidential nomination, on Wednesday gave a boost to third parties and their candidates, providing them with a podium and a platform from which they could present their views which are generally ignored by the mainstream media.......
by NWV News
Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president?
Juan McCain's choice as his partner for the GOP ticket has, to put it mildly, created a media firestorm not seen in a long time. The attack on Gov. Palin has been vicious and relentless. It is both dividing and uniting Americans at the same time. The frenzy has created a circus atmosphere with sales of her designer eye glasses ($375.) shooting through the roof. There are disgusting photo shop (fake) pictures of her in scanty clothing, nudity, in a bikini holding a rifle, as well as outrageous claims about her life.......
by Devvy Kidd
Why the Media Feminists Hates Sarah Palin
Columnist Marc H. Rudov calls them the “fascist feminists.” These are the feminists in the media and elsewhere who detest Sarah Palin because of her role as a successful wife and mother and defender of the unborn. Palin’s decision to have a Down syndrome child, when 90 percent of these children are being aborted in the womb, has proven in dramatic terms not only that there are articulate pro-life women in America but that there are women who will take a leadership role on “culture of life” issues of concern to millions. And this one could be vice-president of the United States........
by Cliff Kincaid
Candidates and Media ignoring angry voters over immigration
Both candidates, while doing nothing to stop the invasion during their entire U.S. Senatorial careers, voted to give amnesty to 20-30 million illegal aliens in the June 2007 votewith no idea of the ultimate number or the cost to American taxpayers. Both voted to double legal immigration from 1.2 million annually to over 2.4 million each year. Obama nor McCain promote any kind of a plan for defense of our borders from further illegal migration into the United States........
by Frosty Wooldridge
Thursday, 11 September 2008
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Britannia Radio