China Blames Wall Street Meltdown On Fed Overissuance Of Currency
China’s state media today reports on the real reason behind the Wall Street meltdown and a subject that the mainstream US media dare not mention - the Federal Reserve’s overissuance of currency - which the Chinese say is part of a wider agenda to justify increased control over the global economy.
The Point of No Return: Harry Reid: “No One Knows What to Do” • Did Warren Buffett hang up on Lehman phone call? • Steinhardt’s Cilluffo Says SEC Short Sale Ban Won’t Help Stocks
Hang On to Your Wallets! The Government is About to Rescue Us
When the financial markets started coming undone earlier this week, the Treasury Secretary and the Federal Reserve stepped in, and with $85 billion of our money (actually our children’s money, since they borrowed it from China and Saudi Arabia), bought foundering AIG, the world’s largest insurance company, and assumed its colossal pile of crap debt.•
‘Tent Cities’ Spring Up In The US • Bush Compares The Financial Crisis He Created To The Terrorist Attacks He Never Saw Coming • The Fed’s Weekend At Bernie’s
Sunday, 21 September 2008
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Britannia Radio