Friday, September 12, 2008
MSNBC Stirs Up Jew Hatred; Matthews Hits Bottom
Dateline USA....
Just a few days after 9/11, this reporter shook the hand of Chris Matthews. In retrospect, I should have punched him in the mouth.
On the seventh anniversary of the Islamist attacks on America--the worst-ever attacks on US soil--the way overpaid pseudo-journalist, who is not fit to shine the shoes of any decent daily newspaper reporter (or well trained student reporter) descended to sickening new depths, not seen in the United States since the pre-World War II period, when Jew-hating isolationists and Nazi agents of influence ran amock.
Outraged that the Republican Vice Presidential candidate, in her first major interview since being selected as John McCain's running mate, unequivocally supported Israel, Matthews invited the notorious, Franco-admiring anti-Semite, Pat Buchanan, and the crooked, anti-Semitic former mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown, to a live, televised, Israel-bashing hate-fest that could easily have been broadcast in Islamist Iran.
What was Sarah Palin's crime in the eyes of Matthews, Buchanan, and Brown? The Governor of Alaska said Thursday she would not "second guess" Israel should it decide to strike Iran.
Asked three times by (anti-Israel) ABC news anchor Charlie Gibson what she would do were Israel to plan a strike on Iran to keep it from achieving nuclear weapons capability, Palin each time answered with a variation of her refusal to second-guess Israel.
"We are friends of Israel," she said the first time. "I don’t think we should second-guess the measures that Israel has to take to defend itself and its security."
She also said that Iran must not achieve such weapons capability under its current maniac-in-chief, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
"Under the leadership of Ahmnadinejad nuclear weapons in the hands of his government are dangerous to everyone on this globe," Palin said. "We have to make sure that these weapons of mass destruction, the nuclear weapons should not be given to Ahmadinejad."Thursday, September 11, 2008
New Missile Base Proves North Korean Intentions
Overly accommodating, dumbbell diplomats are desperately trying to downplay the "discovery"--i.e. inconvenient exposure to the public--of a new long-range ballistic missile base in North Korea.
The base, located only 30 miles from the Chinese border, is larger, more sophisticated--and more menacing--than Masudan-ri, the base North Korea used to launch a Taepodong-1 missile in 1998 over Japan. A Taepodong-2 missile was launched from there in 2006, but it failed.
News of the new missile base--believed by South Korean intelligence analysts to be 80% completed--comes as international efforts to urge the secretive, Stalinist/Kimist, criminal state to abandon its nuclear program are at an impasse.
Impasse is diplo/media-speak for in the crapper.
In fact, the negotiations with North Korea never had a chance. Absent regime change, Pyongyang will never--repeat, never--abandon atomic arms. (And its Islamist ally, Iran, will never give up its nuclear weapons program--but that's another story.)
The North's ultimate goal, as we have insisted for about three years, is an arsenal of intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of accurately delivering nuclear payloads to the United States. (That is also Iran's ultimate goal--again, another story.)Islamo-Nazis Blame US For 9/11
The videos provide powerful proof that for all practical purposes organized Islam and Islamism are today one and the same. The mushrooming mosques and Islamic centers, financed by Saudi Arabia as part of the kingdom's campaign to export jihad and buy domestic peace and security, constitute a growing global menace.
Watch the videos, keeping in mind that Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, and Libya have all effectively endorsed Barack Hussein Obama for President of the United States. This is a fact, not an opinion. Regardless of how he feels about the matter, the Islamo-Nazis believe his ascendancy to power to be in their best interest. One reason: Only eight days after 9/11, Obama urged the US government to respond to the attacks with caution and restraint, and spoke most passionately about defending the rights of Muslims--including non-citizens. Another reason: Obama backs unconditional talks with nuclear-arming Iran, which needs more time to achieve a nuclear breakthrough that will enable it to produce nuclear weapons.
VIDEO POSTSCRIPT: Click below for Sean Hannity's Fox News interview with Obama supporter Imam Musa. He heads The As-Sabiqun movement, which is based in Washington, D.C., and claims to have branches in Oakland, Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento, and Philadelphia. The organization was created by Imam Musa in the early 1990s, at the Masjid Al-Islam mosque in Philadelphia, PA. Its stated goal is creation of an Islamic state in the US by 2050.
Friday, 12 September 2008
Atlas Shrugs has assembled a package of 9/11-themed videos from the Muslim world that should shock even the most cynical and hardened analysts. Click here.
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Britannia Radio