China Confidential
Monday, September 15, 2008
Islamic Terrorists Threaten Paul McCartney
Foreign Confidential....
Imagine this: Islamic terrorists plotting to kill Sir Paul McCartney.
A sickening and insane idea? Of course. Unfortunately, however, intelligence experts say it is also a real threat in light of the former Beatle's upcoming concert in Israel.
Britain's Sunday Express reported Sunday that an Islamic leader warned that the 66-year-old McCartney could be the target of a suicide bombing if he goes ahead with his first performance in the Jewish state.
McCartney plans to arrive in Israel as part of a world tour. He is scheduled to give a single concert at Tel Aviv's Yarkon Park on September 25.
Threatened by Pro-Al Qaeda Preacher
Omar Bakri, a pro-Al Qaeda Muslim preacher who lived in London for 20 years before moving to Lebanon, said McCartney's decision to perform as part of Israel's 60th anniversary celebrations has turned him into the enemy of Muslims worldwide.
"If he values his life, Mr. McCartney must not come to Israel," Bakri was quoted as saying. "He will not be safe there. The sacrifice operatives will be waiting for him."
Bakri added: "Instead of supporting the people of Palestine in their suffering, McCartney is celebrating the atrocities of the occupiers," Bakri was quoted as saying. "The one who is under occupation is supposed to be getting the help."
In December 2004, Bakri warned that Muslims would give the West "a 9/11, day after day after day," if Western governments did not change their policies. Known to be closely linked to al-Qaeda, released prepared statements from Osama Binladen after the 1998 United States embassy bombings.
Preacher Praised 9/11 Attackers
Last Thursday, on the seventh anniversary of 9/11, Bakri addressed about 100 Muslim extremists in East London via satellite. His appearance was greeted by cheers of "faith" and "God is great" as he claimed to have foiled a bomb plot against him by agents of the British Government.
Another speaker said the West should "listen to the warnings."
Still another, Saiful Islam, praised Binladen and Al-Qaeda for their "courage" in retaliating against the "dictatorship and oppression" of the West.
McCartney has also resisted pressure from pro-Palestinian groups to cancel the show.
"I was approached by different groups and political bodies who asked me not to come here. I refused. I do what I think, and I have many friends who support Israel," McCartney said in an interview with Yedioth Ahronoth. Pro-Palestinian groups frequently call on international academics and prominent cultural figures to boycott Israel.
McCartney told Israel TV Channel 2: “I was approached by different groups and political bodies who asked me not to come here. I refused. I do what I think and I have many friends who support Israel.”Sunday, September 14, 2008
Is Obama Agent of Change or Agent of Influence?
Dateline USA....
While the liberal mainstream media have been crawling all over Alaska trying to dig up dirt on Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, they have been missing or deliberately ignoring what could well be the biggest and most explosive story of the 2008 race to the White House--namely, the unearthing of a body of evidence that suggests that the Democratic Party's agent of change, Presidential nominee Barack Hussein Obama, could be an agent of influence--Islamic influence.
The term agent of influence generally refers to a well-placed individual who consciously serves a foreign interest or foreign intelligence service, exerting influence in some spheres and pressure on some matters while retaining his integrity on others. But an agent of influence might also refer to an unwitting contact or well intentioned sympathizer who is manipulated to take actions that advance foreign interests.
Could the Candidate of Change actually be the Candidate of Islamic Influence? Is Obama a conscious or unwitting tool of International Islam, or is he simply a naive and inexperienced idealist--an Ivy League intellectual, in the words of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who believes that the whole world is a community that needs organizing?
Encouraging Extremists
If that seems extremely unfair or far-fetched, consider that Obama's ascension to power would embolden and encourage Islamists and fundamentalist Muslims the world over--who clearly see him as a fellow Muslim-- to believe that their faith is destined to dominate the globe; that Obama's proposed "aggressive diplomacy" towards nuclear-arming, Islamist Iran would assure the monstrous mullahocracy of at least another year's time to acquire atomic arms (his promised summit meeting with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would not be held until next February, at the earliest, and the idiotic encounter would surely be followed by time-consuming, ultimately doomed, diplomatic efforts to dissuade Iran from developing the dreaded weapons of mass destruction); that Obama's anti-energy energy policy would increase, rather than decrease, US dependence on foreign oil because his proposed alternative sources of energy are either non-existent or uneconomical and inefficient, in any case, incapable of replacing oil and gas and coal and nuclear power in the near or foreseeable future; and that his initial impulse after the Islamist attacks of 9/11--the worst-ever attacks on US soil--was (a) to call for a cautious and restrained response in terms of any possible military action, and (b) to warn the US government not to "round up" Muslims and Arabs, putting the authorities on the defensive at a time when an estimated 100,000 alien Muslims--mainly young, single men--were illegally at large in the US as a result of having overstayed their tourist or student visas, and the threat posed by mushrooming, militant mosques, Islamic study centers, fake Islamic charities and front groups, and underground, international Islamic banking networks had already been widely recognized as a serious security issue (along with the related problems of porous ports, wide-open borders, and vulnerable airports and airliners).
As for his tough talk on the problem of Al Qaeda and Taliban sanctuaries in the lawless tribal lands of Pakistan, a careful analysis of Obama's proposed "partnership" with the nuclear-armed, Islamic hell-hole (which Obama suspiciously visited as a college student, as explained below) indicates that as President he would really pursue a policy ofPakistanization of the war against the terrorists and their allies. Given the Democratic tendency to downgrade, downplay, and demilitarize the war, Pakistanization (likeVietnamization in its day) would be followed by US withdrawal and defeat.
The New Henry Wallace?
Consider, too, that there is historical precedent for an agent of influence running for President--and he was much more experienced and accomplished than Obama is today. Henry A. Wallace, a Democrat, former US Secretary of Agriculture (and son of a Secretary of Agriculture) and the second Vice President under Franklin D. Roosevelt from 1941-1945, was the Progressive Party's nominee for President in the Presidential election of 1948. He was also a tool of the Communist Party. His campaign was covertly controlled by Communists; and most of his critically acclaimed book (as he later admitted), Soviet Asia Mission, detailing his official trip to Soviet Siberia and China in 1944, was actually written by a Communist Party member, Andrew J. Steiger.
A one-world visionary, Wallace was deeply interested and involved in mysticism and occult teachings. In 1929, the year of the stock market crash and the onset of the Great Depression, he met and almost immediately became fanatically devoted to a secret Soviet agent, the celebrated charlatan, adventurer, artist and travel writer, Nicholas Constantin Roerich, whose admirers and disciples addressed him as their "Guru." His wealthy and influential followers even built an apartment building in New York City--the 29-story Masters Building on Riverside Drive and 103rd Street in Manhattan--to house his art collection and serve as a residential center and headquarters for the "Masters" of a movement for "world awareness."
Wallace's wild-card Presidential campaign was ruined when a collection of handwritten letters from him to Roerich surfaced. In the letters, Wallace addressed Roerich as "My Dear Guru" and referred to President Franklin D. Roosevelt as "The Wavering One," or the "Flaming One," depending on the circumstances, to Winston Churchill as "The Roaring Lion," and to Russia as "The Tiger." Wallace also wrote about ""the dying giant, Capitalism," and "The Plan," also known as "The Great Shambhala Project," a Roerich scheme, to be financed by US taxpayers under a Progressive administration, to reorder Asia and take over Tibet--for the Soviet Comintern.
Incredible. The Guru Nicholas Roerich Communist plot/candidate correspondence scandal preceded the Reverend Wright post-9/11, pro-Islamist sermon scandal by exactly six decades....
Back to the present. Is Barack Obama the new Henry Wallace? You decide. A wealth of information is available to anyone with access to a computer and the Internet. Atlas Shrugsis the best place to start. The site's relentless reporting makes it a must-read destination for tracking and understanding the unfolding Obama mystery, a synopsis of which is attempted below.
Obama's Lost Years
In 1981, Obama, a transfer student from Occidental College in Los Angeles, California, entered Columbia University, where he roomed off campus with a student from Pakistan. Nobody except his roommate seems to remember Obama from his time at Columbia; and the candidate has steadfastly refused to provide details of his Columbia stint, apart from the fact that he majored in political science, specialized in international relations, and graduated with a BA in 1983. Investigative bloggers and Internet journalists who have tried to uncover more information have hit a wall; not for nothing do they speak and write of Obama's "lost years" at the Ivy League university.
One of Obama's professors, with whom he developed a close and lasting friendship, was the brilliant but viciously anti-American, anti-israel, Palestinian activist, Edward Said. He may have been the Andrew Steiger--i.e. the ghost writer--of Obama's memoir, Dreams From My Father, which Obama worked on for many years with support from several institutions.
Obama and his Pakistani roommate went on an unusual journey in '81. They traveled to Pakistan to visit the roommate's family in Karachi. They stayed there about three weeks and made a side trip to predominantly Muslim Hyderabad in Southern India--something that was difficult to do in those days as relations between Pakistan and India were extremely tense and Pakistan was in turmoil and under martial law. The country was filled with Afghan refugees; and Pakistan's Islamist-leaning Interservices Intelligence Agency (ISI) had begun to provide arms to the Afghan mujahideen and to assist the process of recruiting radicalized Muslim men--jihadists--from around the world to fight against the Soviet Union.
ISI Contacts?
Pakistan was so dangerous that it was on the State Department's travel ban list for US Citizens. Non-Muslim visitors were not welcome unless sponsored by their embassy for official business.
Obama must have come to the attention of the ISI, and he probably interacted with the agency's officers or agents.
Obama may have used a US passport to leave and enter the US--and an Indonesian passport to enter, leave, re-enter and finally leave Pakistan. Use of two passports is standard operating practice for dual citizens traveling to and from banned or controversial countries. How could he have used an Indonesian passport? Obama, according to an Indonesian school registration certificate completed by his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, was both a Muslim--named Barry Soetoro--and a citizen of Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation. Obama lived in Indonesia until the age of 10, attending different schools.
A Mysterious Muslim Benefactor
At the age of 25, four years after graduating Columbia, Obama somehow came to the attention of Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tarig Al-Mansour. A militant (and incongruously foppish) black nationalist, called Donald Warden when he was an adviser to the Black Panther Party, Mansour was well known in black activist and community circles as a businessman-lawyer--and a rabid anti-Semite and America-hater. His 1995 book, The Lost Books of Africa Rediscovered, accuses the US government of plotting genocide against black Americans; more recent video lectures promote anti-Semitic theories and make the case for Israel's destruction.
Mansour apparently became Obama's benefactor. The orthodox black Muslim, who was advising top members of the Saudi royal family seeking ways to exert influence in the US through minority communities, may have advised Obama to apply to Harvard Law School. Mansour may have also subsidized Obama's law school education. Funding could have come in part from Mansour's most important client, Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who has given millions of dollars to Harvard to support Islamic studies.
Percy Sutton, a prominent , New York City-based, African-American civil rights activist, lawyer (he represented Malcolm X), and entrepreneur--and former Manhattan borough president--recently told the NY1 cable TV news network: “I was introduced to (Obama) by a friend who was raising money for him. The friend’s name is Dr. Khalid Al-Mansour, from Texas. He is the principal adviser to one of the world’s richest men. He told me about Obama.”
Sutton said Mansour contacted him to write a letter in support of Obama’s application to Harvard Law School. Click below to watch the video interview with Sutton.
Amazing. Before Reverend Wright ... before Bill Ayers and Father Pfleger ... Obama was mentored, befriended, and backed by Khalid Al-Mansour.
Monday, 15 September 2008
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Britannia Radio